
What to Do When You're Robbed by Ninjas (part 3)

每日一讀(下)---What to Do When You're Robbed by Ninjas


"Are you OK?" he asked.

"So far," I said.

"Do you know these people?"


He asked a number of additional questions. Since we had already established the basics, they struck me as superfluous. I was being robbed.

Annoyed and frustrated, I turned to the bad robber and held out the receiver.

"It's for you," I said.

I just couldn't deal with the cop anymore.

"It's OK, we know her," I heard the robber say. "She owes us money."

Then he handed the phone back to me. He looked just as irritated with the cop as I was. Neither of us wanted to talk to him.

"Hello?" I said.

"Do you know him?" the cop asked.


"Do you owe him money?"


"Are there weapons?"


All of a sudden we heard a helicopter hovering overhead, and the house filled with bright light from its spotlight. All I could think was that the police were going to shoot through the glass and I was going to have to pay for it—in more ways than one. "There is a way out of here, out the back and down the hill," I told the robbers. So they took off one way, and I went upstairs.

There were cops everywhere. I told them the robbers had scrambled down the hill and that they didn't have guns. I didn't want them shooting anyone—especially the ninja going to college. He seemed like a nice kid.

Within a few minutes, the cops caught the bad robber and made me come down the block to identify him. They brought him to me with his mask off. He scowled at me. "I should've killed you when I had a chance," he said.

"That's pleasant," I said.

Ms. Marshall's memoir "My Mother Was Nuts," from which this is excerpted, will be published Sept. 18 by Amazon Publishing/New Harvest. She starred in "Laverne & Shirley" and directed, among other films, "Big" and "A League of Their Own."
---本文節選自馬歇爾女士的回憶錄《My Mother Was Nuts》,九月18將由亞馬遜/新豐收出版社發行。馬歇爾女士曾演出電視喜劇”Laverne & Shirley”,導演過電影”Big””A League of Their Own”


