It’s been a rough night for fans of Forever, the only freshman ABC drama series to get cancelled this year just a day after the season finale, which closed some major storylines and teased new ones. (Forever also happens to be the only ABC rookie drama not owned by the network).
The axe came after some positive signs from creator Matt Miller, who sounded optimistic in recent interviews, and a ratings millerioanuptick in the finale. That created false hope and made the cancellation news more surprising and harder to accept for the supernatural crime drama’s auspices and fans. Star Ioan Gruffud asked his wife, Alice Evans, to relay a message immediately following ABC’s decision. “It’s brutal, but that’s show business,” she wrote. “Ioan is a little shaken right now but he wants to reach out and thank the wonderful, loving fans who made the whole experience so magic.”
砍劇的噩耗還是來了。儘管導演馬特·米勒(Matt Miller)在最近幾次訪談中表現樂觀,儘管該劇最終集收視率比先前要好,這一切反而造成錯誤的期待,讓遭砍的消息更顯錯愕,也讓這部超自然犯罪劇的粉絲難以接受。在ABC宣佈不續訂後,主演伊萬·葛萊費(Ioan Gruffud)馬上讓他的妻子艾莉絲·艾萬絲(Alice Evans)在網上留言:「這很殘忍,但影視界做生意就是這樣。」她寫道,「伊萬現在很錯愕,不過他想跟大家道謝,謝謝那些愛戴他和“不朽法醫”的粉絲們,讓拍片至今都是個完美的經驗。」
A few hours later, Gruffuddforeverep2 himself addressed the fans of the sophisticated procedural in a letter he posted on Instagram. (you can read it below in its entirety) In it, he bids farewell to “the role of my dreams,” immortal New York City medical examiner Dr. Henry Morgan. WBTV is known for trying to save its shows — something it recently did successfully with cancelled A&E drama Longmire – so Forever will likely be shopped to other outlets. In case it doesn’t work, this is a moving tribute to the series by its star.
My dear friends, fans, supporters. 
Tonight, as you all now know, I received a phone call that I was hoping not to receive, and to be honest I really wasn’t expecting it. I knew the numbers hadn’t been great, but I also knew the studio and the network both loved the show, and of course that it had an incredible fan base…so I thought we were in with a pretty good chance. 
But sadly no, this time the cards weren’t dealt in our favor. Show business is like that. Hell, life is like that. You ride to the top of the wave and then you come crashing down again. I asked Alice to send out the sad news because I was a little bit shaken up and needed time to gather my thoughts. 
ABC's "Forever" - Season OneSo I sat down and started reading the thousands of Tweets in response to the announcement. And the more I read, the more I couldn’t believe it. The love, the sense of solidarity, the hope, the kindness, the support. Not just for the show, but for each other. And slowly I began to focus on what we had gained in the past year, rather than what we had lost in the last five minutes. I was overcome by a sense of gratitude. To have met you all and to have you all rooting for me and the show. At having a chance to play the role of my dreams, even if it was only for a year. To have been given the chance to bring Henry to life. 
Watching the interaction of the FOREVER fans come together and share their love for the show has been breath-taking. It was you guys who held me up when I thought I could no longer go on. (Those days were LONG!) You made me smile when you pointed out the little things I did on screen that I thought had gone unnoticed. You gave me confidence when I accidentally found myself reading less than shining reviews. You were always with me, every step of the way, waving your flags, shouting your support for the show. It’s been an incredible, wonderful year, one that I will never, ever forget. 
看著“不朽法醫”的粉絲團結起來、分享他們對這部劇的關愛,是很激動人心的。當我覺得自己快撐不下去時,是你們讓我堅強起來(那些日子實在很漫長!)。 當你們說出我在銀幕上做的那些小動作時,都讓我會心一笑,我以為沒人會注意到。當我讀到沒那麼正面的評論時,是你們給了我信心。你們總是在我身旁,一步一步,搖著旗子,大力支持這部劇。這是難以置信又美好的一年,而我也會永遠記得。
And guess what? The memories belong to us. We get to keep them ‘forever!’ Thanks again a million times for your unwavering support. Stay strong, be brave, and show kindness as often as you can!
Ioan xxx  
伊萬 xxx


  • rough night:難熬、不好過的一晚。如果你早上上班或上課看到朋友一臉頹喪,就可以說:Rough night, huh?(沒睡好嗎?)
  • drama series:劇集。不過更常說的是TV show(s),沒錯不要懷疑,美劇什麼的都這樣用,我在國外時人家都這麼說。
  • rookie:菜鳥,新手。例子:rookie officer 菜鳥警官,rookie mistake 新手級的錯誤(不該犯的錯)
  • ax:也寫作axe,名詞最原本的意思是斧頭,引申意為解僱、開除、停業等,動詞意思也是。比如 His boss gave him the axe last month. 他老板上個月把他炒了。
  • finale:結局,最終章,最後一集。例子:But it was also an apt finale to a deflating epoch. 但在這樣一個衰落的時代,這也是個恰當的結局。
  • reach out:十分口語的用法,可指伸出手、向外伸展,或拓展人際圈、跟人接觸、尋求協助等。例句:If you're that lonely, you ought to reach out. 如果你真那麼寂寞,就該往外走走,認識新朋友。
  • immortal:永生的,不朽的。Since only for a few fleeting moments we've been made immortal. 因為我們已在稍縱即逝的時光中成為永恆。
  • medical examiner, M.E.:法醫
  • the cards weren't dealt in our favor: 可分成兩個部分來看。第一,發牌我們會說 Sb. deals the cards,換成被動式就是 the cards were dealt。第二,in one's favor就是對某人有利。所以兩個合起來呢,就是說我們拿到的牌不是我們想要的,但我們不能控制發牌啊,所以意思就可以引申為時局對我們不利、事情不如預期等。
  • gather one’s thoughts:整理思緒。例:Give me some time to gather my thoughts together. 給我一些時間釐清頭緒。
  • the sense of solidarity:團結意識,向心力
  • root for:聲援,全力支持。例:We all rooted for our school's football team. 我們都支持我們的橄欖球校隊。
  • hold up:原動詞是指舉起,引申意為扶持某人等;也有等一下、延遲、搶劫之意。例:How long will this cloth hold up? 這件衣服能穿多久? Hold up a minute. 請等一下。
  •  thanks a million times:萬分感謝。