
McDonald's hamburger looks the same after 14 years

每日一看---McDonald's hamburger looks the same after 14 years


McDonald's hamburger looks the same after 14 years


A US man has shown off a 14-year-old McDonald's hamburger that looks the same as the day he bought it. 一個美國人14年前在麥當勞買了個漢堡,14年後的今天依然完好如初

A US man has shown off a 14-year-old McDonald's hamburger that looks the same as the day he bought it.
David Whipple, a California man, has saved a fast-food hamburger he bought in 1999 for 14 years Photo: The Doctors
David Whipple, from Utah, had originally planned to keep the burger for two months in order to show friends how its preservatives would maintain its appearance.
But, after accidentally leaving the product in his pocket for two years, Mr Whipple decided to keep the burger for even longer to see how long it could continue looking normal.
"It wasn't on purpose," Mr Whipple told US television show The Doctors.
"I was showing some people how enzymes work and I thought a hamburger would be a good idea. And I used it for a month and then forgot about it.
"It ended up in a paper sack in the original sack with the receipt in my coat tossed in the back of my truck and it sat there for, I don't know, two or three months."
However, Mr Whipple's experiment was then forgotten after the coat was tossed in a closet.
"My wife didn't discover it until at least a year or two after that. And we pulled it out and said 'oh my gosh, I can't believe it looks the same way."
Doctors on the CBS show noted that aside from the pickle disintegrating, the burger showed no signs of mould, fungus or even a strange odour.
Mr Whipple admitted that at one point he had considered selling the burger via online auction site eBay.
But, despite bids reaching close to $2,000 (£1,300), he and his family decided to keep the product for educational use.
He now admits he uses the burger to convince his grandchildren not to eat junk food from restaurants such as McDonalds.
"It's great for the grandkids to see. To see what happens with fast food," he said.





I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards.

                                       ------Abraham Lincoln





Their three-year-old daughter can be quite a fussbudget, but she is cute. 他們三歲的女兒有時會大吵大鬧,但還是很可愛的。

Alexandra is such a fussbudget. All she ever does is whine. 雅麗珊卓真是個愛小題大作的人;她整天只會說些無關緊要的話。


Haunting Fantasy of a Woman Running with Wolves in a Forest

每日一看---Haunting Fantasy of a Woman Running with Wolves in a Forest

終於考完期中考了唷呼(轉圈圈)!今天來看一下一位澳洲女攝影師的作品吧。以下文章擷選自My Modern Met,順便附上我的翻譯=]

Haunting Fantasy of a Woman Running with Wolves in a Forest

Deep within a forest, Melbourne, Australia-based photographer Lilli Waters allows her wild imagination play out in her hauntingly beautiful series titled Black Sunday. Amidst the shaded expanse of trees and earth, there is a young woman in a long-sleeved gown. She is an anomaly that possesses angelic locks and appears to be dressed for a funeral. All at once, she appears misplaced and right where she belongs.
位於墨爾本的森林深處,澳籍攝影師Lilli Waters把她狂野的想像一一展現在《Black Sunday》作品集裡,美麗又耐人尋味。在這片遼闊、林蔭深蔽的叢林中,一位年輕女人身著長袖禮服;她與眾不同,擁有天使般的氣度,卻又讓人想到喪葬。此刻,仿佛被某種力量控制;她被錯置在這片森林裡。


Breathtaking Photos of China's "River of Poems and Paintings"

每日一看---Breathtaking Photos of China's "River of Poems and Paintings"

今天介紹的是中國漓江的壯麗....呃...因為明天後天都沒考試,所以翻譯就晚點補上吧(溜)!準備補眠去了,各位拼命的同胞加油=] 祝大家好夢甜甜,好運連連~

Breathtaking Photos of China's "River of Poems and Paintings"

Though there's many places in the world that can be described as a "photographer's dream," none will make you feel like you've stepped into an actual painting quite like the Li River. Located in the Guangxi province of China, it has been called "the river of poems and paintings," because it's surrounded by incredible landscapes like gorgeous green hills, conical limestone peaks and terraced rice paddies. There's a 51-mile stretch between the cities of Guilin and Yangshuo that's particularly famous for its scenic views.
Cormorant fishing is also associated with the Li River, an age-old fishing method in which fishermen use specially trained birds, called cormorants, to help them fish. These birds dive into the water to search for fish and then return the fish to the boat. The fisherman removes the fish from the bird's throat and places it in a basket. The secret? To keep the bird from swallowing the fish, the fisherman places a cord around the bird's neck.
Today, we've put together some of the most beautiful and breathtaking photos of the river and its surrounding areas. Notice that the most stunning photos often feature cormorant fishing. Like a modern-day painter, many of these photographers have enhanced their photos with a dreamy array of colors.


walk in the park

每日一詞---walk in the park

久違了的更新,來點輕鬆的吧〈雖然在這種時候說這種話有點不合時宜xD〉今天看的是walk in the park;但它可不是字面上的意思喔,而是用來形容「簡單、輕鬆、沒有壓力」的事。好,以下是擷自English Baby的英文介紹+本人的翻譯,一起來看看吧!

You know what’s relaxing? Taking a walk. It’s especially nice to take a walk in a peaceful environment. It’s nice if the environment contains some lovely green grass, and some colorful flowers. Maybe it contains some other people going for a stroll. You know what that sounds like? A walk in the park.

知道放鬆的感覺嗎?那就是散個步,尤其是走在一片寧靜中。如果周圍有些翠綠的小草和繽紛的花朵,氣氛又會更好了;而這個地方也可能有些人散步。想到了嗎?答案就是a walk in the park。

Yes, walking in the park can be extremely peaceful and relaxing. It can be a great way to get rid of stress. In fact, sometimes when you’re having a particularly stressful day, you might wish that you were just taking a walk in the park. The idea of beautiful weather, nice flowers and plants, and calm company might sound like just the opposite of the stressful environment you’re in. Usually, you use the phrase walk in the park to compare it to something stressful by saying that something is no walk in the park.

沒錯,在公園散步是很輕鬆自在的,也是紓解壓力的好方法。其實,當人經歷特別低潮的一天,會希望能在公園走一走。想想舒服的天氣、美麗的花草樹木、安靜的一切,這些都是壓力的另一面。通常,"no walk in the park" 可以用來指某件事一點都不輕鬆。


“You may think that poetry class is an easy A, but, let me tell you, it’s no walk in the park.”

“I think I need to move out. I thought living with you would be easy, but it’s no walk in the park.”


hinge on

每日一詞---hinge on

今天要看的是hinge on。相信很多人都曉得depend on,在這邊hinge on也是同個意思,就是指「依...而定」。所以囉,寫英文作文時若不想老調重彈,倒可以換句話說,用用這個片語吧!來看幾個例子~

The success of the project hinges on how well you do your job. 計畫是否成功,有賴你如何完成。

The case hinged on whether the jury believed the accused thief or the two witnesses. 這個案子就看陪審團是相信被告小偷還是那兩個目擊者。



root for

每日一詞---root for

好久沒更新了噢(掩面)。雖然這幾天都陰雨綿綿,我也跟著陰鬱起來...BUT,thanks my good friend,我終於知道該如何和雨天相處,而不是任由天氣擺佈自己=] 好,今天來看看這個片語---root for。大家來猜猜這是什麼意思吧!以下有摘自English Baby的解釋+本人的翻譯(好吧這次我沒有照字面翻,是照自己的解讀//哈好任性xD),瞥一瞥吧~

Sometimes when you’re a fan of a sports team, you feel for your team so deeply. You want so badly for them to win and be successful. You feel your passion for the team from head to toe. If you were a plant, you would feel it all the way down into your roots. You root for your team because you support them so completely. You might cheer for your favorite team out loud, or talk about why your favorite is so great, or wear a T-shirt with the team’s name on it.

Of course, it’s not only sports teams you can root for. Maybe you have a favorite contestant on a singing TV competition show, and you root for your favorite singer to win. Or maybe when you’re watching the Oscars, you have a favorite movie that you’re really rooting for. You can root for anyone and anything that you’re a fan of and that you want to be successful. 


當然,能讓人大力支持、讓人挺的不只是球隊;你所喜歡的歌手選秀參賽者也可以喔,或是你希望某部自己非常愛的電影,能在奧斯卡頒獎典禮上拿下大獎。其實只要是某人某事某物喚起你的支持,都可以"root for" them。


In basketball, I root for the Bulls.

Johnny and Joey are fighting after school! Who are you going to root for?

Who are you rooting for on American Idol this season?


tag along

每日一詞---tag along

今天要看的是tag along. 這個片語的意思就是「跟隨」,有點像跟屁蟲那樣;或是「參一腳」,特別是指沒受邀請的狀況下。直接來看句子吧!

My dog always tags along after me wherever I go. 不管我到哪,我的狗狗總是跟著我。

Do you mind if I tag along? I'd like to see the show at the museum too. 介意我跟著你們嗎?我也想去看博物館的展覽。

I don't know her; she just tagged along with us. 我不認識她,她只是跟著我們而已。