
駛過聖華金谷 I

文章摘自Harper's Magazine, 有興趣的人可以逛逛那個網站,


這是一篇關於加州聖華金谷(San Joaquin Valley)的隨筆;
大家都戲稱該區為“加州的腋窩”(the armpit of California)


POSTCARD — April 23, 2015, 8:00 am 

Driving the San Joaquin Valley


An afternoon with Starbucks customers in the armpit of California. 
Sunset in the San Joaquin Valley. Photo by the author.
Sunset in the San Joaquin Valley. Photo by the author.   聖華金谷日落,作者攝。
The nearly three hundred flat miles of Interstate 5 running through California’s San Joaquin Valley are some of the most loathed in America. If travelers stop at all along this section of highway, it’s to visit the Petro stations, Starbucks, Del Tacos, and In-N-Out Burgers that dot the roadside. In the parking lots of these chain stores, drivers lean against their cars and smoke cigarettes, enjoying a moment of sunshine before quickly resuming their trip. Though the San Joaquin Valley, together with the Sacramento Valley, produces a quarter of America’s produce, many Californians refer to the area as “the armpit of California,” dismissing it as a roadside bathroom break, or joking about it being the haunt of rednecks and meth-heads.
穿越加州聖華金谷的5號州際公路(I-5)近300英里,平平坦坦,但卻是美國國內最惹人厭的地方。如果駕駛會在這段公路停下,多半是去加油,或是去星巴克、梅德福或In-N-Out漢堡;這些店點綴了這條漫漫長路。在這幾家店的停車場,駕駛們背靠著車、抽著菸,享受片刻陽光再趕路。雖然聖華金谷和薩克拉曼多谷(Sacramento Valley)農產量是美國農產值的四分之一,許多加州人仍稱這個區域為“加州的腋窩”,只當作公路旅途的休息站,上個廁所或打趣說鄉巴佬和神經病霸佔了這個地方。
“I don’t even know what town I’m in,” said Alex, a thirty-three-year-old Angeleno I met outside a Starbucks on I-5 between the tiny towns of Mettler and Lebec. “I just got out of the car. I’m ready to leave.” Alex chewed gum and leaned against the fence. With her black hair piled on top of her head, she wore black leggings under a long black sweater with a skeleton’s ribs printed on the front. Growing up in Los Angeles, she’d driven this stretch of highway many times but preferred to pass the time sleeping or playing cards.
Built at the center of a vast parking lot between a McDonald’s and a Mobil gas station, the Starbucks had a long line inside and a busy drive-through. When two men pulled up in a dark minivan, I asked if I could talk with them about the area. One of the men, who gave his name as René, was a German-born cameraman driving from Los Angeles to Silicon Valley to shoot a corporate film for Mercedes. He and his traveling companion, who was also a cameraman, drove through the valley a few times a year. René knew it was important as an agricultural region. But, he said, the four-year-long drought in California was a sign that farmers needed to shift gears. “You read stuff on the Internet,” he said, “and I guess it’s true, how much water is needed to raise one pound of chicken meat, or how much water is needed to grow one tomato. Those are scary numbers. I would really think that everybody would blame Los Angeles—and yes, the front lawns, that might be a problem when they water them excessively, but it’s not that bad. What we use on a daily basis, as far as drinking, showering and all that, is nothing compared to what agriculture seems to need, if you really learn about these numbers, man.”

1. Interstate 5:5號州際公路,簡稱I-5,北起華盛頓州與加拿大的邊界,南到加州聖地牙哥和墨西哥的邊境,全長1381英里(約2222公里)
2. Petro Stations 加油站 
3. produce (n):農產量
4. dismiss A as B:把A輕視為B
5. Angeleno:洛杉磯人
6. pile up one's hair:盤髮,綁包包頭
7. pass the time:打發時間
8. drive through:得來速
9. pull up:(車)停靠路邊
10. Silicon Valley:矽谷
11. shift gears:立即停下手邊工作



That's our boy. He was with us for several happy years
but was taken to a primary school as a guard dog.
Now I go see him from time to time.
He still remembers me.

It's really been a while since last time I posted something here. Despite the long lapse of time (some two years, I believe), the old enthusiasm that helped create this blog never ceases to be. It causes me heartburns, of course, since I just left it all of a sudden...no goodbyes. Sometimes I would tell my friends that it was because I was moving to a place where Internet access wasn't easy to get. Other times I would say that I just wanted to drop everything related to the grey days. But, you know clearly as I do, that's just another excuse.

So here I am, ready to let the same flame light the blog again. I'm not sure what stories it will be covering, but one thing for sure is that it will be English-Chinese based, about something worth thinking, discussing, and remembering. If you find it too ambiguous, check out the old posts under this. They will give a general idea of what I'm going to write from now on.

If you are new to my blog, there are a few things you might want to know:
1)  I'm a Taiwanese girl who started learning English when she was 12, so if there's anything wrong about my English, please let me know, as I'm still learning it.
2)  In fact, all sorts of suggestions are welcome.
