
at the end of one's rope

每日一詞---at the end of one's rope

好的,光看字面,我想大家應該都想到氣數已盡之類的意思吧!沒錯,這個片語就是指山窮水盡、快完蛋了的意思。比如有些富二代從小在優渥無慮的環境長大,老自以為能獨當一面,卻誰知人世間的處事眉角不是用金湯匙就能摳出來的啊~He is at the end of his rope---he lost his girls and job, his lovely Benz died, and he doesn't have any money in the bank.

又比如現在美國通過QE3,打算印更多鈔票來救經濟,但其實這只會加重泡沫化...看來老美好像無計可施了:I think QE3 is not a good idea. It seems that the U.S. government is at the end of its rope.

