
Emily Carr, part 2

每日一看---Emily Carr, part 2


Totem Walk at Sitka---1917
However, her contact with the Group of Seven in 1930 resurrected her interest in art, and throughout the 1930s she specialized in scenes from the lives and rituals of Native Americans. She also showed her awareness of Canadian native culture through a number of works representing the British Columbian rainforest. She lived among the native Americans to research her subjects. Many of her Expressionistic paintings represent totem poles and other artefacts of Indian culture.

然而1930年和七人畫派(Group of Seven*)的接觸,讓卡爾再次拾回對繪畫的熱情。整整30年代,卡爾的畫作都以美洲原住民的生活和鄉間景色見長。同時,她也表現了對加拿大原住民文化的關心,創作了數幅以英屬哥倫比亞雨林為景的畫作。卡爾和原住民一起生活,尋找靈感主題。她的作品屬表現派(Expressionism),大多為印地安的圖騰或手工藝品。

A Rushing Sea of Undergrowth---1932-35

*註:七人畫派(Group of Seven)是加拿大著名的一個畫派,於1920年創立。成員熱愛鄉野自然,主張運用誇張、大膽的技法,以變化多端的畫面呈現加拿大的自然風光。

Zunoqua of the Cat Village

