
Martin Franck, part 3

每日一看---Martin Franck, part 3


French painter Balthus at home, 1999.
A cemetary of stolen cars in the Darndale Housing Estate, Dublin, 1993.

As her career grew, Franck pursued a wide range of photographic stories, from documentary reportage in Nepal and Tibet to gentle and evocative portraits of Paris’s creative class. Her portfolio of the cultural elite includes photographic peers Bill Brandt and Sarah Moon as well as artist Diego Giacometti and philosopher Michel Foucault, among others. In 1983, she became a full member of Magnum Photos, one of a small number of female members at the legendary photographic agency. Balancing her time between a variety of stories, her work reflects an innate sensitivity to stories of humanity.

French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1992.
隨著步入職業生涯高峰,馬丁也嘗試各種不同的題材;從尼泊爾和西藏的紀實攝影,到巴黎創藝課堂的細膩肖像,都沒有遺漏。而她在藝文界的交友也十分廣闊,例如同為攝影師的Bill BrandtSarah Moon、藝術家Diego Giacometti,以及哲學家Michel Foucault等,不勝枚舉。馬格南攝影通訊社名揚四海,但女性成員稀少;1983年,馬丁卻成功地成為正式一員。

Representation of the carnival, 1977.
Town of Newcastle on Tyne, England, 1978.

