
Martin Franck, part 2

每日一看---Martin Franck, part 2


Village festivities, Sivergues, France, 1974.
Library for children in France, 1965.

Born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1938, Franck studied art history at the University of Madrid and at the Ecole du Louvre in Paris. In 1963, she began her photographic career at Time-Life in Paris, assisting photographers Eliot Elisofan and Gjon Mili. Although somewhat reserved with her camera at first, she quickly blossomed photographing the refined world of Parisian theater and fashion. A friend, stage director Ariane Mnouchkine, helped establish Franck as the official photographer of the Théâtre du Soleil in 1964—a position she held for the next 48 years.

1938年,馬丁出生於比利時的安特衛普城,大學則到巴黎羅浮宮學院攻讀藝術史。1963年,她展開了攝影生涯,在藝術行銷商Time-Life的巴黎分部工作,當ElisofanGjon Mili兩位攝影師的助手。儘管一開始發展不太順利,馬丁卻能在講求精緻的巴黎戲界和時尚界快速聲名大噪。她的一位舞台導演朋友,更在1964年把自己推向法國陽光劇團的正式攝影師---而往後的48年,馬丁也就一直擔任這個職位。


