
Greek meets Greek

每日一詞---Greek meets Greek

這個片語在國外其實滿常用的,是"一山不容二虎"或"兩強相遇的​意思"~ 而和它最常搭配的是: When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war. 這句話是說兩強相遇,其鬥必烈。
早期,祖先為希臘人的馬其頓國王菲力浦二世與​兒子亞歷山大一同攻打希臘,但卻遭到猛烈的抵​抗;因此他們費了好一番功夫,才拿下希臘。 所以,當人們形容戰況激烈、兩強鬥得不可開交時,都會說When​ Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war.

比如一家大公司的創始元老辭世了,沒有安排接班人,而下面剛好有兩個好勝心強、又有實力的死對頭在競爭。這時,我們可以說:They have been always against each other since the death of our boss. I think they have to cool themselves down! Or, you know, when Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war. Our company will be torn if they don't stop.

