
body double

每日一詞---body double

 body double是替身的意思哦~(可是前幾天看到這個詞時,立馬想​到人肥兩倍...)不過最近這個詞很常見,從Jennifer Aniston(珍妮弗安妮斯頓)到谷開來的新聞都有它呢

話說Aniston在拍新片時,雇了個年紀小她一半的"替身",​讓她演那些穿著甚少的橋段...來看看原文吧~Jennifer Aniston is using a body double half her age to shoot scantily-clad scenes in her latest film.
再來就是谷開來的案子了。報導指出,中國網民議論紛紛,認為先前​谷開來出庭受審有可能是請替身;對此,北京當局封鎖了網路搜尋關​鍵詞---"替身":China has blocked Internet searches for the term "body double" after web users expressed suspicions that convicted murderer Gu Kailai used a stand-in at her court hearings.

附註:stand-in也是替身、代替,但使用範圍比body double廣(body double較常用在拍片、電影等等)。看個例子吧~He asked me to act as his stand-in when he is in vacation. 他要我在他度假時,全權替他辦事情。

