
at a crossroads

每日一詞---at a crossroads

這次很特別喔!這邊的crossroads是複數沒有錯,就是指"十字路口"。如果是crossroad, 就是一般說的"交叉路"。所以,這個片語是說"在十字路口",或是"在...的交匯點"。

假如有起車禍發生在十字路口,就可以說 The accident occurred at a crossroads. 

又比如唐朝時,長安不僅貿易熱絡,連藝術、信仰都蓬勃發展。這時,就可以說 Changan was a crossroads for trade, art and faith under the Tang Empire. 

at a crossroads 還有其他引申意思喔,那就是面臨抉擇的時刻。比如最近歐洲諸國爆出許多爛攤子,也是時候該好好商討解決之策了。這時,就可以說 As the economic crisis has reached to a new level, eurozone is now standing at a crossroads. 而個人面對人生的未來方向,也可以說 I am at the crossroads of life, which means there are lots of decisions to make.

