
lash down, ect

每日一詞---lash down, come down in buckets, downpour

雖然今天放颱風假,但到目前為止,還沒有颱風的感覺...那我們來看看除了rain​ cats and dogs, 還有什麼是跟下雨有關的片語吧!

 1. lash down 下大雨:lash 是鞭打或抨擊某人的意思;所以當外頭雨轟隆轟隆傾瀉而下時,就可以說​ Oh, my gosh! It's lashing down!

 2. come down in buckets 傾盆而下:bucket是水桶或一桶水的意思,所以這個片語就​是指雨"一桶一桶倒下來"~也就是傾盆大雨的意思。來看看例句吧:The rain was coming down in buckets; and inevitably, I was stuck at the bus stop.

 3. downpour 大雨、驟雨:這個詞就比較普遍啦,和前面兩個大同小異,同樣指下大雨。來看一下例句:Finally the downpour abated and the children were dabbling in the newly ford. 大雨終於緩和了,孩子們都在新成的水漥玩耍。

