
white elephant

每日一詞---white elephant

沒錯,就是white elephant~~相信很多人都會納悶,想說白色大象到底有什麼特殊涵義!!?其實,它就是指那些昂貴又沒什麼用的東西,當然也可以形容政策或計劃等等。

比如有人有鞋癖,買了一堆名牌鞋塞滿櫃子;可人就只有兩隻腳啊,常穿的就那一兩雙,其他的就成了擺飾品,還得花心思去保養。這時,就可以說:There are thousands of white elephants that stand on her shoe closets.

又比如政府常花大錢蓋博物館,希望能吸引民眾的青睞,但最後往往淪為蚊子館。這時,也可以說:That museum is the worst example of the many white elephants that haunt the region.


英文解釋(取自網路英英字典):White (albino) elephants were regarded as holy in ancient times in Thailand and other Asian countries. Keeping a white elephant was a very expensive undertaking, since the owner had to provide the elephant with special food and provide access for people who wanted to worship it. If a Thai King became dissatisfied with a subordinate, he would give him a white elephant. The gift would, in most cases, ruin the recipient.

