
Ballet pianist, part 2

每日一看---ballet pianist 芭蕾鋼琴伴奏(下)


The pianist can select existing music from the classical, popular musical, or jazz standard repertoire, or improvise music in the style and tempo required, particularly if there is no piece of sheet music at hand that fits the brief. If a particular composed piece is chosen, the pianist may have to adapt its bar structure on the run to make it fit with the standard 8-beat phrase structure used in ballet classes.

芭蕾鋼琴伴奏可以從古典、流行或爵士名曲選擇合適的曲子,或是依老師要求的拍子、曲風即興彈奏,尤其是在手邊沒有那種樂譜的狀況下。但是,並非有現成樂譜就能一帆風順喔!因為不是所有曲子都一小節八拍。這時,伴奏就需要改拍子,好讓學生練習(芭蕾動作練習通常都是以八拍為一個單位,就像小時候上體育課,暖身永遠是1234 5678)

Musicians playing for other types of dance classes, such as contemporary, tap and character, have the same kinds of duties. Drummers and guitarists, as well as pianists, are sometimes employed in contemporary dance.



附記:所以tap dance就是踢踏舞

