
Ballet pianist, part 1

每日一看---ballet pianist 芭蕾鋼琴伴奏(上)


A ballet pianist plays the piano for ballet classes. There are two main kinds of activity. The first is rehearsing for dance syllabus classes and then accompanying the individual performers for the subsequent exams. Set pieces of music are used for the various grades. The second is playing for open class, where the music is free, not prescribed. These classes, held in ballet schools and companies through the world, are designed for warm-up, practice of technical routines, and general fitness development. The various technical exercises are done in the same general order in ballet classes the world over, but there are variations within each exercise according to the teacher’s perceived requirements on any given day. The ballet pianist must quickly find appropriate music to fit what the teacher requires for a particular exercise. For example, the teacher may request a particular dance rhythm (a waltz or a tango, for instance) at a particular speed, or may not request anything at all because he/she knows the pianist will be able to find something that fits.


