
Confessions of A Sniper(2)

每日一看---Confessions of A Sniper(2)


He may look calm, but he's deeply troubled. After some nine months of fighting with several Free Syrian Army units, first on the outskirts of Aleppo and then in the city itself after the rebel push into it in late July, he has grown disillusioned with the fight and angry with its conduct. "I did this when it was clean," he says. "Now it's dirty. Many aren't fighting just to get rid of Bashar, they're fighting to gain a reputation, to build up their name. I want it to go back to the way it was, when we were fighting for God and the people, not for some commander's reputation."

He refused an order in November to fight a proregime, ethnic Kurdish militia in a Kurdish neighborhood of Aleppo that the rebels had entered. "Why should I fight the Kurds?" he says. "It's a distraction. This isn't our fight."

Syrians in the opposition, whether armed or not, have often said there may be a revolution after the revolution to unseat Assad. The fault lines differ depending on whom you talk to. Some envision a fight between Islamist and secular rebels; others between defectors and armed civilians; some say it will be ethnic, between Kurds and Arabs; others simply territorial, between rebel commanders in a particular area, irrespective of ideology. Others say it won't happen at all. But the Sniper, like many fighting men, thinks that it will and that it will be ugly: "We will not become Somalia after Bashar falls," he says. "We will have many Somalias in every province."

小解說:outskirt (n)郊區,邊境 (v)沿...邊走;  get rid of 擺脫,除掉;build up 建立,增強,集結;pro-regime (a) pro是贊成的意思,而regime則是指政權,所以兩個合起來就是指親政府的; unseat (v)退位,從...上摔下來;  irrespective of 不顧及


