
The Purple Heart

每日一看---The Purple Heart  紫心勳章

導讀:紫心勳章是美國軍人的榮譽象徵,由總統頒給在大戰中受傷截肢的士兵;而為國捐軀的軍人則由家屬代領。紫心勳章的構想最早由美國第一任總統(1789-1797)華盛頓提出,當時名為軍功勳章(Badge of Military Merit),頒給3名參與美國獨立戰爭(1775-1783)的士兵,但之後就鮮少被人提起。直到第一次世界大戰,這個勳章才又得到重視;後來,美國在紐約建造了一座紫心勳章榮譽廳,來紀念及表揚為戰犧牲的軍人。


BARBARA MACNEVIN, DAUGHTER OF PURPLE HEART RECEPIENT: My dad, Ralph W. Bingham (ph). He was the veteran of the first world war, the big war. He lost his right leg fighting in France, and he received a Purple Heart for that. We had it for many years in my home, where I grew up.

ROBERT MACNEVIN, GRANDSON OF PURPLE HEART RECEPIENT: Unbeknownst to us, it was lost in some manner in one his moves later in his life.

CAPT. ZACHARIAH FIKE, U.S. ARMY: I found Private Ralph W. Bingham`s medal on Craigslist. This has been the calling of mine for about the last three years. I locate lost or stolen medals. These are all the Purple Hearts that I`m currently working. Some I`ve located to families, some I haven`t.

I do these on my own time. I don`t consider it a hobby. It`s more of a calling and an honor. I myself have a Purple Heart. It hangs on the wall in my mother`s home, and I would hope that one day, if my medal was lost, someone would do the same thing for me and my family.

It is truly an honor to bring Private Bingham`s Purple Heart home to his family, and I am again truly humbled by his sacrifice.

It is a great honor to bring home his Purple Heart. Thank you very much.

B. MACNEVIN: The medal means a lot to me, especially, and to our family.

FIKE: I`m glad it is home to where it belongs, and I`ll move on to the next medal.

