
over the moon

每日一詞---over the moon

到底什麼是over the moon呢?我們來看一下英文的解釋吧!
(摘自English Baby)When you say you are over the moon, it means you are very happy, excited, or overjoyed. Of course, being over the moon doesn’t mean that you are literally up in space. But you may feel like you are. Even though your feet are on the ground, you might feel like your head is floating way up in the clouds.

簡單來說,over the moon就是指「高興得像在天上飛」;即便腳沒離開地面,整個人卻飄飄然,沉浸在某種亢奮之中。

比如在這不景氣的時代,某人好不容易錢多事少離家近的工作,這時就可以這麼說:Mary got the perfect job and she is over the moon.

又比如某黃花閨女相親屢次失敗,但最後終於碰到有緣人,決定結婚了。這時就可以說:She is over the moon about getting married.

