
walk in the park

每日一詞---walk in the park

久違了的更新,來點輕鬆的吧〈雖然在這種時候說這種話有點不合時宜xD〉今天看的是walk in the park;但它可不是字面上的意思喔,而是用來形容「簡單、輕鬆、沒有壓力」的事。好,以下是擷自English Baby的英文介紹+本人的翻譯,一起來看看吧!

You know what’s relaxing? Taking a walk. It’s especially nice to take a walk in a peaceful environment. It’s nice if the environment contains some lovely green grass, and some colorful flowers. Maybe it contains some other people going for a stroll. You know what that sounds like? A walk in the park.

知道放鬆的感覺嗎?那就是散個步,尤其是走在一片寧靜中。如果周圍有些翠綠的小草和繽紛的花朵,氣氛又會更好了;而這個地方也可能有些人散步。想到了嗎?答案就是a walk in the park。

Yes, walking in the park can be extremely peaceful and relaxing. It can be a great way to get rid of stress. In fact, sometimes when you’re having a particularly stressful day, you might wish that you were just taking a walk in the park. The idea of beautiful weather, nice flowers and plants, and calm company might sound like just the opposite of the stressful environment you’re in. Usually, you use the phrase walk in the park to compare it to something stressful by saying that something is no walk in the park.

沒錯,在公園散步是很輕鬆自在的,也是紓解壓力的好方法。其實,當人經歷特別低潮的一天,會希望能在公園走一走。想想舒服的天氣、美麗的花草樹木、安靜的一切,這些都是壓力的另一面。通常,"no walk in the park" 可以用來指某件事一點都不輕鬆。


“You may think that poetry class is an easy A, but, let me tell you, it’s no walk in the park.”

“I think I need to move out. I thought living with you would be easy, but it’s no walk in the park.”

