
root for

每日一詞---root for

好久沒更新了噢(掩面)。雖然這幾天都陰雨綿綿,我也跟著陰鬱起來...BUT,thanks my good friend,我終於知道該如何和雨天相處,而不是任由天氣擺佈自己=] 好,今天來看看這個片語---root for。大家來猜猜這是什麼意思吧!以下有摘自English Baby的解釋+本人的翻譯(好吧這次我沒有照字面翻,是照自己的解讀//哈好任性xD),瞥一瞥吧~

Sometimes when you’re a fan of a sports team, you feel for your team so deeply. You want so badly for them to win and be successful. You feel your passion for the team from head to toe. If you were a plant, you would feel it all the way down into your roots. You root for your team because you support them so completely. You might cheer for your favorite team out loud, or talk about why your favorite is so great, or wear a T-shirt with the team’s name on it.

Of course, it’s not only sports teams you can root for. Maybe you have a favorite contestant on a singing TV competition show, and you root for your favorite singer to win. Or maybe when you’re watching the Oscars, you have a favorite movie that you’re really rooting for. You can root for anyone and anything that you’re a fan of and that you want to be successful. 


當然,能讓人大力支持、讓人挺的不只是球隊;你所喜歡的歌手選秀參賽者也可以喔,或是你希望某部自己非常愛的電影,能在奧斯卡頒獎典禮上拿下大獎。其實只要是某人某事某物喚起你的支持,都可以"root for" them。


In basketball, I root for the Bulls.

Johnny and Joey are fighting after school! Who are you going to root for?

Who are you rooting for on American Idol this season?

