
Haunting Fantasy of a Woman Running with Wolves in a Forest

每日一看---Haunting Fantasy of a Woman Running with Wolves in a Forest

終於考完期中考了唷呼(轉圈圈)!今天來看一下一位澳洲女攝影師的作品吧。以下文章擷選自My Modern Met,順便附上我的翻譯=]

Haunting Fantasy of a Woman Running with Wolves in a Forest

Deep within a forest, Melbourne, Australia-based photographer Lilli Waters allows her wild imagination play out in her hauntingly beautiful series titled Black Sunday. Amidst the shaded expanse of trees and earth, there is a young woman in a long-sleeved gown. She is an anomaly that possesses angelic locks and appears to be dressed for a funeral. All at once, she appears misplaced and right where she belongs.
位於墨爾本的森林深處,澳籍攝影師Lilli Waters把她狂野的想像一一展現在《Black Sunday》作品集裡,美麗又耐人尋味。在這片遼闊、林蔭深蔽的叢林中,一位年輕女人身著長袖禮服;她與眾不同,擁有天使般的氣度,卻又讓人想到喪葬。此刻,仿佛被某種力量控制;她被錯置在這片森林裡。

