
TIME Picks the Most Surprising Photos of 2012

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Andy Duann—CU Independent/AP
This Thursday, April 26, 2012 photo provided by the CU Independent shows a bear that wandered into the University of Colorado Boulder, Colo., dorm complex Williams Village falling from a tree after being tranquilized by Colorado wildlife officials. Colorado University police spokesman Ryan Huff said the bear was likely 1-3 years old and weighed somewhere between 150-200 pounds.

Giorgio Benvenuti—Reuters
May 20, 2012. A damaged old tower is seen after an earthquake in Finale, northern Italy.

Rick Madonik—The Toronto Star via ZUMAPRESS.com
June 15, 2012. Nik Wallenda crosses Niagra Falls on a tightrope from Goat Island, New York, to Niagra Falls, Ontario as seen from atop the Skylon Tower.

David Mercado—Reuters
June 22, 2012. A police officer throws a chair onto a pile of burning papers and office supplies after looting a building housing the legal department for disciplinary action against members of the police in La Pa, Bolivia.

Red Bull Stratos via Getty Images
Oct. 14, 2012. Pilot Felix Baumgartner of Austria jumps out of the capsule during the final manned flight for Red Bull Stratos in space. Austrian Felix Baumgartner broke the world record for the highest free fall in history after making a 23-mile ascent in capsule attached to a massive balloon.
20121014,澳大利亞的跳傘好手菲利克斯‧保家拿從太空艙中一躍而下,這正是使他名留青史的「紅牛同溫層計劃」(註:紅牛同溫層計劃,Red Bull Stratos,是一個從2010年時就開始籌備、由Red Bull贊助的超高空跳傘計劃,利用一由氦氣球懸吊的太空艙將保加拿載運至海拔超過12萬英尺(36,600公尺)、已經進入同溫層的超高空,直接穿著有加壓作用的太空裝進行跳傘)。保家拿這次打破世界紀錄,跳傘高度史上最高。

Gerald Herbert—AP
Nov. 27, 2012. Aviculturists from the Audubon Species Survival Center in New Orleans, wearing crane costumes, seek to round up four endangered Mississippi sandhill cranes and transport them from their current habitat to the Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge in Gautier, Miss.

