
Yuri Kozyrev: From the Battlefield to the Ballet


今天來看幾張和芭蕾相關的照片吧!這些相片是由攝影大師Yuri Kozyrev所拍,他擅長的題材廣泛,從世界戰爭到舞伶表演都拿捏得宜。本文擷選自TIME,一起來欣賞吧!

Thursday, February 14, 2013 | By Nate Rawlings | @naterawlings | 
Yuri Kozyrev: From the Battlefield to the Ballet
俄國攝影記者Yuri Kozyrev:從戰場到芭蕾舞台

Yuri Kozyrev—NOOR for TIME
The following photographs were taken between Feb. 3, 2013 and Feb. 6, 2013 in Moscow, Russia. 
Svetlana Zakharova, prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Ballet, during a curtain call with principal dancer Nikolai Tsiskaridze after a performance of Swan Lake in the Bolshoi Theatre.
Svetlana Zakharova是俄國莫斯科知名的芭蕾伶娜。本照片為Svetlana Zakharova與男主要舞者Nikolai Tsiskaridze於演出天鵝湖後謝幕的情景,地點為莫斯科大劇院。

Yuri Kozyrev—NOOR for TIME
Alexander Volchkov (right), playing the role of Prince Zigried, and Svetlana Zakharova (center), playing the role of Odetta, the Swan Princess, during a performance of Swan Lake.
在一場天鵝湖的演出中,Alexander Volchkov()飾演Zigried王子,而Svetlana Zakharova()則飾演天鵝公主Odetta

Yuri Kozyrev—NOOR for TIME
Ballerinas dressed as black swans rest backstage during a performance of Swan Lake. 同樣在天鵝湖演出時,幾位芭蕾伶娜穿著黑天鵝舞衣,在後台休息。

Yuri Kozyrev—NOOR for TIME
Ballet dancers of the Bolshoi Theatre prepare backstage for a performance of Swan Lake.

                                                                            Yuri Kozyrev—NOOR for TIME
Ballet dancers of the Bolshoi Theatre prepare backstage for a performance of Swan Lake.

接下來要介紹一個有點跳tone的東西.....哈,這是好幾年前的搞笑日劇,叫做 My Boss, My Hero;我的老大,我的英雄。故事講述27歲的黑道老大繼承人-榊真喜男(長瀬智也 飾)因處理與香港黑道高達27億的交易任務失敗後,被父親強迫送到St.Agnes(聖阿葛諾斯)高中就讀。本已離開學校十多年的真喜男遇上一堆不懂的漢字和繁雜的數學算式,令他煩惱不已。加上以往過著小開生活的他,今次重返校園卻要面對年紀相差近十年的同學,不論在學業和人際關係上,也遇上極大的困難。(以上介紹摘自維基百科)


