
double life

每日一詞---double life

好,今天我們來看的是double life. 這個片語的意思就是指某人「過著兩種截然不同的生活」,比如我白天是個學生、晚上變成地下樂團的鋼琴手(哈,請容忍我不實的幻想);而且在這兩方面所接觸的人,都不曉得我的另一個身份,這時就可以說 I lead a double life. 本文節選自English baby, 來讀一下簡單的介紹吧!

Everyone has a secret or two. These secrets may be small, like the fact that you’ve never told anyone that you were the one who accidentally left the door open, letting your pet dog run into the yard that one time. Or you may have a bigger secret, like the fact that you cheated on your girlfriend or boyfriend. The biggest kind of secret, though, is one that grows so big that it’s as if you have two separate realities. In one of the realities the secret is known, and in the other, it isn’t. It’s as if you’re living a double life.

Sometimes a double life isn’t so much about a secret as it is about having two parts of your life that just don’t really go together. Maybe you’re a doctor during the day, and at night you are a singer in a nightclub. Those two activities are so different that friends who only know you from one context might not really understand the other. 
有時double life並不全指不可告人的秘密,比如過著兩種不相干的生活。也許某人白天是個醫生,晚上卻是夜店的主唱;但因為這兩種生活有所差異,所以了解其中一面的人可能不曉得某人另一個身份,僅此而已。

