
bounce back

每日一詞---bounce back

好,今天要看的就是bounce back。bounce本身有彈跳、反彈的意思,通常指球;所以囉,bounce back就是彈回,恢復、振作之意。以下文章擷選自English baby,附上我拙拙的翻譯,有任何不妥請指教啊!

How can you tell the difference between a ball that’s full of air and one that isn’t? Well, one might look flat and one might look round. But sometimes, a ball looks as if it has plenty of air in it, but when you bounce it against the ground, it just stays there. A ball that was fully inflated would return to you. It would bounce back.

People have an amazing capacity to bounce back, too. Let’s say that something really terrible happens to you, and you’re depressed for a few days. If you just stayed in bed forever, you’d be like that sad, deflated ball on the ground. But hopefully you can find enough motivation to bounce back and get on with your life.

We can use bounce back for other objects, too. Jessica Simpson has had a baby, and her body doesn’t look as perfect as it did before. Her body hasn’t bounced back, or returned to its original state.
bounce back也能用來形容其他事情。比如Jessica Simpson剛生完小孩,所以身材比例不可能像之前一樣完美。這時就能說她的身體復原力不強,沒辦法回到先前的樣子。

Can you remember a situation when you had to bounce back from a difficulty or challenge? How long did it take, and what did you do to help yourself bounce back?

