
Beautifully Elegant Dancers Pose Along City Streets

每日一看---Beautifully Elegant Dancers Pose Along City Streets

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Beautifully Elegant Dancers Pose Along City Streets

Australian photographer Lisa Tomasetti has worked as a visual artist and film stills photographer for the past 23 years. Her eye for cinematic drama comes through in her dance photography, a collection of images in which she is able to capture the beautiful elegance of ballet dancers set against the more rough, gritty urban city streets of Paris, Tokyo, and New York.
澳大利亞攝影師Lisa Tomasetti,過去23年都在視覺藝術與電影劇照界穿梭。成功捕捉美麗優雅的芭蕾舞者駐足於略為遜色的都市街頭(比如巴黎、東京和紐約),讓她擁有抓住經典的獨到眼光。

Dressed in leotards, tutus, and satin point shoes, her subjects gracefully pose in a variety of classic ballet positions including the grand jeté and the arabesque penchée. Tomasetti places the dancers in the most unexpected environments, and, as they achieve splits in mid air and delicately balance on one toe, viewers experience a visual juxtaposition of classic elegance and refinement, set in front of the roughness of street corners, subway stations, and bustling shopping districts.
身穿緊身舞衣、tutu短裙,以及緞面硬鞋,這些舞者優雅地擺出各種古典舞姿,像是grand jeté和 arabesque penchée(對不起啊啊啊在下才疏學淺,雖然有學芭蕾,但這些術語真的不知道該怎麼翻才恰當Q_Q)。Tomasetti讓這些舞者立於意想不到的背景---凌亂的街道、地鐵、繁忙的購物區,但卻能捕捉她們劈腿和保持完美平衡的畫面,給觀眾一種截然不同的美感。
If you enjoy this kind of dance photography, you may enjoy this similar project, entitled Ballerina Project by Dane Shitagi, as well as this hilarious and heartfelt series, The Tutu Project, by Bob Carey.

