每日一語---wing it
好,今天來看的是wing it. wing本身是指「翅膀」、「羽翼」;但在這邊,wing it則是說「毫無準備、隨機應變」的意思,有時也可引申為「船到橋頭自然直」。來看些例句吧!
I didn't have time to write a speech, so I just had to wing it in front of a large audience. 因為我沒時間寫講稿,所以只好在一大群觀眾前即席演出。
Sharon lost her lecture notes, so she had to wing it. 雪倫弄丟了課堂筆記,所以考試時只好隨機應變。
Don't worry. Just go out there and wing it. 別擔心,直接去那邊,然後靈機應變吧!