
Life in Color: Orange



Life in Color: Orange

Setting Sun

Photograph by Michael Yamashita

A burning orange sun sets behind a fringe of pampas grass in Japan. Japan's nickname, "The Land of the Rising Sun," is derived from the Chinese ideograph meaning "place of the sun's origin."

Migratory Birds

Photograph by Norbert Rosing

Birds fill an orange sky over Germany’s Wattenmeer National Park. This coastal wetland, covered by the sea at high tide, is home to some 3,200 different animals and a popular stopover for many migratory birds.


on a slippery slop

每日一詞---on a slippery slop

"很滑的斜坡"是什麼意思呢?它就是指A tricky precarious situation, especially one that leads gradually but inexorably to disaster, 也就是"會演變成大災難的狀況,特別是發生緩慢但無法阻止、危險又棘手的那種"。來看個例子吧~

If you let the kids stay up late a few nights you are on a slippery slop. 如果你讓小孩熬夜幾天,那可是滔天大錯。

Claypool was right; our morals can slide down a slippery slope when money gets involved. 克萊普說得對;一旦扯上金錢,我們的道德便嚴重偏軌了。


Quote of the day


今天來看看美國暢銷小說家,小傑克森布朗(H. Jackson Brown, Jr.),怎麼激勵自己和社會大眾吧~

Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michealangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.





blankly可以用來說"茫然、呆若木雞",多半和說話、眼神等等有關:She stared at him blankly though she understood what exactly he meant. 那個女生知道他在說什麼,但仍一臉茫然。

勸人別發呆、趕緊加把勁時,也可以這麼說:Don't stay here staring blankly; we're running out of time.而有時候,blankly也能用來形容失神的樣子:He stood there for a while and then inquired blankly, "Oh, when did she go?"





比如海洋中有各式各樣、數都數不清的魚,群聚起來十分美麗,這時就可以說:It's beautiful to see a myriad of fish swimming in the ocean.而有些時候,許多想法不自覺劃過心頭,也可以說: A myriad of thoughts passed through her mind.

我們熟悉的"萬家燈火",也能用myriad來講:A myriad of lights glowing in the valley.當然,眾星拱月也可以這麼說囉:A myriad of stars surrounded the moon.

最後,要說自己很忙、萬事纏身時,也可以這麼說:I'll be busy today; I have myriad things to do.


Brazilian student nurse who mistakenly injected coffee into veins of patient says 'anyone can get confused'

每日一看--- Brazilian student nurse who mistakenly injected coffee into veins of patient says 'anyone can get confused'


巴西一名還是學生的實習護士, Rejane Moreira Telles 、23歲,誤將咖啡當作點滴,注入一位80歲病人的靜脈。幾小時後,這位病人不幸去世。Telles說,她曉得替病人吊點滴有所風險,但工作時點滴和飲料擺在一起,任誰都會搞混。有些醫生認為,那些咖啡隨著靜脈直接流入病人的心臟和肺部,因而導致死亡。



Brazilian student nurse who mistakenly injected coffee into veins of patient says 'anyone can get confused'
80-year-old patient died after medical screw-up. ‘It would have been as if the patient was suffocating,’ says doctor.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 8:05 AM

Rejane Moreira Telles, 23, said she had just three days of work experience when she mixed up administering a drip to a patient.

A student nurse who mistakenly injected coffee into the veins of an 80-year-old patient who died hours later has defended herself by saying "anyone can get confused."

Rejane Moreira Telles, 23, said she had just three days of work experience in the Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, clinic when she mixed up administering a drip to Palmerina Pires Ribeiro.

She appeared on TV Globo's Fantastico show where she said she was aware of the risk of administering an intravenous feed.

But she added: "As they [the feed and blood drips] were next to each other, anyone can get confused. I injected the coffee and I put it in the wrong place."

Telles, who has been indicted for involuntary manslaughter alongside two nurses and another student, also revealed they had not been trained for that kind of procedure.

Riberio died last week at a clinic in São João de Meriti, in the Baixada Fluminense region of Rio de Janeiro.

Doctors contacted by TV Globo's Fantastico said that the milky coffee would have gone directly to the patient’s heart and lungs.

Dr. Armando Carreir, a nutritional specialist at the Federal University of Fluminens' Hospital Antonio Pedro, said 'It would have been as if the patient was suffocating.'

The victim's daughter, Loreni Ribeiro, said “I saw my mother was agitated. She opened her mouth, and this youngster put coffee with milk into (her) veins.”


New bicycle is even more eco-friendly

每日一看---New bicycle is even more eco-friendly




ISHA SESAY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Setting the wheels in motion on a breakthrough: with its pedal power and traditional two wheel frame, this may look like a typical bicycle. But the Israeli entrepreneurs behind this bike call it the future of low cost transportation.

NIMROD ELMISH, CARDBOARD BICYCLE PROJECT: Basically, this bicycle is built out of 95 percent recycled cardboard, which is the most cheapest raw material that you can find in any country.

SESAY: And there is no metal parts. The rest is recycled car tires and plastic bottles. Not only is the bike eco-friendly, it`s cheap. Each costs just $9 to build. Inventor Izhar Gafni (ph) came up with the design in his backyard chair.

IZHAR GAFNI, INVENTOR, CARDBOARD BICYCLE: What I did is when I took the cardboard I tried to overcome all the weaknesses that the cardboard as a shipping material as we all know had.

SESAY: Using a secret process, Gafni says his cardboard bike is both waterproof and fire resistant. And by using green materials and keeping production costs low, he hopes the bikes can be given away in poor countries.

ELMISH: When you see something like this, you understand quite fast that this is a real game changer. I know that the lifespan of the regular bike is maximum five years. So, in five years basically I can replace all of them, because that would be cheaper, faster, stronger and ecological.

SESAY: Production is set to begin on three bicycle modules and a wheelchair. They should be on sale within a year. Isha Sesay, CNN, Atlanta.


How to know when a dog is going to bite

每日一看---How to know when a dog is going to bite


(Transcripts by Nafiya)

Reporter: We’ve all heard the expression a dog is a man’s best friend. But to make this relationship work, people need to know about dogs’ body languages so they don’t feel threatened and lash out a bite.

Stilwell: Most dogs that bite only doing so because they are scared and they want to warn you, to back away. That’s what the expression achieves. Distance.

Reporter: So if you’re meeting a dog for the first time…

Stilwell: Most important thing to remember is to give it space. Do not go into that dog’s space.

Reporter: Let the dog come to you, Stilwell says. Turn your body to the side, so it looks less threatening. Put your hand in a fist and hold your hand down, so the dog can sniff your fist.

Stilwell: When you meet a dog as well, don’t stare their eyes. Just smile a little bit. Because staring their eyes may be a challenge, a threat. 

Reporter: Pat the animal on the back of the neck or on his back, not on top of the head, she says. Yawning and licking lips are signs of uncomfortable, and want you to back away.
Try not to run from the dog or scream. If you get nut over to roll into a ball, lie still and cover your head.
When it comes to avoid a dog’s bite, knowing what to look for of our four legs friends can help both men and dogs stay safe. For today’s health minutes, I’m Holly Firfer.


Pakistan's Malala: Global symbol, but still just a kid

每日一看part 2---


"The Taliban have repeatedly targeted schools in Swat," she wrote in an extraordinary blog when she was empowered to share her voice with the world by the BBC.

She was writing around the time the Taliban issued a formal edict in January 2009 banning all girls from schools. On the blog, she praised her father, who was operating one of the few schools that would go on to defy that order.

"My father said that some days ago someone brought the printout of this diary saying how wonderful it was," Malala wrote. "My father said that he smiled, but could not even say that it was written by his daughter."

Now that active and imaginative mind could be gone.

On Tuesday, October 9, gunmen shot Malala in the head and neck.

Now 14, she was coming home from school in a van with other schoolchildren when Taliban assassins stopped the vehicle, climbed on and demanded that the children identify her. Terrified, the children did it and the men fired, also wounding two other girls.

"We do not tolerate people like Malala speaking against us," a Taliban spokesman later said, as Malala, in a Pakistani hospital, breathed with the help of a ventilator.

The Taliban would come for her again if she managed to survive, the spokesman threatened.

As of Monday night, she was in Great Britain receiving top medical care from an international team of doctors.


Pakistan's Malala: Global symbol, but still just a kid

每日一看part 1---今天來看看一則勵志新聞吧!這是關於一位叫做瑪拉拉的女孩的故事...


Pakistan's Malala: Global symbol, but still just a kid

By Ashley Fantz, CNN
October 16, 2012 -- Updated 2052 GMT (0452 HKT

(CNN) -- Eleven-year-olds sometimes have trouble sleeping through the night, kept awake by monsters they can't see.

But Malala Yousufzai knew exactly what her monsters looked like.

They had long beards and dull-colored robes and had taken over her city in the Swat Valley, in northwestern Pakistan.

It was such a beautiful place once, so lush and untouched that tourists flocked there to ski. But that was before 2003, when the Taliban began using it as a base for operations in nearby Afghanistan.

The Taliban believe girls should not be educated, or for that matter, even leave the house. In Swat they worked viciously to make sure residents obeyed.

But this was not how Malala decided she would live. With the encouragement of her father, she began believing that she was stronger than the things that scared her.


be/get into

每日一詞---be/get into

兩天沒更新了,良心有點過不去啊...好吧,今天要講的是be/get into,也就是「對...有興趣」或「投入做某事」的意思。

比如某人喜歡研讀梵詩,不僅樂此不疲、還翻譯成英文,就可以說:He is really into Sanskrit  poetry and has translated many into English.

又比如對很多人來說,退休後找事做是很重要的;這時就可以說:It is important for most people to get into something after retiring.

當然,be into除了以上用法,還可以指喜歡某人的意思:Mary is totally into George; she blushes whenever seeing him.


over the moon

每日一詞---over the moon

到底什麼是over the moon呢?我們來看一下英文的解釋吧!
(摘自English Baby)When you say you are over the moon, it means you are very happy, excited, or overjoyed. Of course, being over the moon doesn’t mean that you are literally up in space. But you may feel like you are. Even though your feet are on the ground, you might feel like your head is floating way up in the clouds.

簡單來說,over the moon就是指「高興得像在天上飛」;即便腳沒離開地面,整個人卻飄飄然,沉浸在某種亢奮之中。

比如在這不景氣的時代,某人好不容易錢多事少離家近的工作,這時就可以這麼說:Mary got the perfect job and she is over the moon.

又比如某黃花閨女相親屢次失敗,但最後終於碰到有緣人,決定結婚了。這時就可以說:She is over the moon about getting married.


For Better Heart Health Exercise Harder, Not Longer



For Better Heart Health Exercise Harder, Not Longer

By Alexandra Sifferlin | @acsifferlin | October 10, 2012 | 3

                                                                                  David Ma dison / Getty Images

The general advice for most Americans is: Get more exercise. But the question is what kind of exercise, how intensely and for how long?

A new study suggests that for improvements in cardiovascular health, you should pick up the pace. More intense exercise (brisk walking) was better than longer bouts of lower-intensity activity (leisurely walking) at reducing people’s chances of developing risk factors for heart disease and diabetes, researchers found.

Using data from the Copenhagen City Heart Study, Danish researchers followed more than 10,000 adults ages 21 to 98 from Copenhagen, Denmark, for up to 10 years. The researchers looked specifically at participants’ likelihood of developing metabolic syndrome — a cluster of cardiovascular risk factors, including obesity, high triglycerides, low levels of HDL cholesterol, high blood pressure and high blood sugar.

At the beginning of the study, the participants filled out questionnaires detailing their physical activity, and had their height and body weight assessed. About 21% of women and 27% of men were classified as having metabolic syndrome at the start.

Over 10 years of follow-up, people who reported walking briskly or jogging for exercise cut their risk of metabolic syndrome by nearly half. In comparison, people who walked slowly for exercise — even up to an hour a day — so no preventive benefit.

By the end of the study, an additional 15% of participants had developed metabolic syndrome and their risk depended on their level of activity. Among sedentary participants, 19% had metabolic syndrome, compared with 12% among busier bodies who participated in higher intensity physical activity.

The findings fall generally in line with those of another Danish study published last month reporting that there’s a sweet spot of exercise when it comes to weight loss: specifically, longer exercise is not necessarily better. The current study didn’t look at the participants’ diet, however, which also plays a significant role in helping people maintain a healthy weight and stave off heart disease and diabetes.

But the main takeaway is that any exercise is better than nothing. Going for long, leisurely walks is unquestionably better for health than sitting on teh couch for an hour. “Even gardening, if it creates a sweat and is done two to four [hours] a week, can help lower risk for diabetes and heart disease,” Dr. Neeru Jayanthi, medical director of primary care sports medicine at Loyola University Health System, in Maywood, Ill., told WebMD.
但總歸一句,有運動總比不動好。長期來說,散步一個小時當然比坐在椅子上一小時好。加楊西博士(Neeru Jayathi)說:「就算只是整理庭院、弄弄花草,如果有流汗且一週做2至4小時,都有助於降低信臟病和糖尿病的風險。」。他是美國洛約拉大學(Loyola University)醫療衛生的醫療主任;而該大學位於梅伍德‧伊利諾伊州。

Still, the current study highlights intensity as a game changer when it comes to reducing metabolic syndrome risk. The authors conclude that if further studies confirm the heart healthy benefits of fast walking, it “may represent a low-cost intervention with minimal side effects and numerous significant health benefits.”

The study was published in the journal BMJ Open.
這項研究刊登於《BMJ Open》期刊。


Jerry Sandusky’s horrible crimes against boys outweigh whatever else he ever did



Jerry Sandusky’s horrible crimes against boys outweigh whatever else he ever did

He’ll die in prison, a disgraced degenerate deserving of his fate

Wednesday, October 10, 2012, 4:00 AM


Jerry Sandusky off to prison for the rest of his miserable life

There is a genius to the American justice system. On Tuesday, a man who had been revered and cheered by thousands was led, shrunken and in a red jumpsuit, into prison, where he will almost certainly stay for the rest of his years.

He will be not only an inmate. He will be the lowest of the low, scum on the bottom of a shoe. Because it was proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he did monstrous things to boys in his care.

Jerry Sandusky and his lawyers did their best to defend him against the charges. The evidence was too strong. The pain of his victims was too real. His reputation could not protect him. His protestations were, in the end, hollow.

It is another side of the American Dream: A country in which men and women can rise to fame and fortune and acclaim in an instant is also one where, in the eyes of the law, anyone can plummet, judged evil by the content of their character.

It is a brutal democratic truth about this nation, and one worth quiet reverence.


a jinx

每日一詞---a jinx


比如只要某人在場,什麼事都做不好: With a jinx like him, nothing can be done.
而有時候某人諸事不順,覺得好像被什麼東西纏上了:Sometimes she would mess up everything, as if there were a jinx on her.

當然口語一點,有時候也可以指衰神、帶來衰運的東西:She is said to be a jinx, who would bring bad luck to whomever she marries. 她就像個衰神,誰娶她誰倒楣。The watch is like a jinx; every time I wear it I lose something. 那隻錶老是帶衰,每次戴它都會掉東西。


a night owl

每日一詞---a night owl

相信有些人應該知道 a night owl 是什麼了吧!雖然 owl是貓頭鷹,但在這邊就等於大家說的「夜貓子」。

為什麼會用貓頭鷹呢?因為貓頭鷹是夜行動物,眼睛總睜得大大的,等待獵物。所以 night owl就是指常熬夜的人,通常也有「開夜車」(burn the midnight oil)的意思。來看看例句吧~

New York is one of the world's most popular holiday destinations and is fantastic for night owls looking for a city with a great night life.


Let someone in

每日一詞---let someone in


1. 讓某人進入某處,比如:Mandy was cleaning up the office; she didn't let me in. Mandy那時在打掃辦公室,所以不讓我進去。The wife just didn't let her idle husband in. 那位太太就是不肯讓遊手好閒的丈夫進門。

2. 讓某人進入「心房」,也就是願意讓對方關心你,而你也會想了解他、相信他,比如:Henry's once beloved girlfriend cheated on him, and I think he now needs more time before he can let anyone in. Henry曾被他深愛的女人欺騙,我想他現在還沒辦法接受任何感情吧!They say she won't let anybody in her heart. Perhaps she has a story. 大家都說她拒人於千里之外,但這應該是有原因的吧!


French Bees Produce Blue Honey

每日一看---French Bees Produce Blue Honey


French Bees Produce Blue Honey
By JuJu Kim | @jujkim | October 5, 2012 |

Vincent Kessler/Reuters  
French apiarist Andre Frieh holds a sample of normal honey (right) besides a blue colored one (left) at his home in Ribeauville near Colmar, Eastern France, October 5, 2012.

Mars Incorporated has proclaimed that “Chocolate is better in color” with its M&Ms. But French beekeepers may beg to differ on that.
生產知名糖果M&Ms的馬斯公司(Mars Incorporated),向來秉持「有顏色的巧克力是最優的」。但法國的蜂農,可就不這麼認為了。

Since August, beekeepers near the town of Ribeauville, in the northeastern region of Alsace, have been reporting their bees are producing blue and green honey, according to Reuters. And they've traced the cause back to a biogas plant that processes waste from an M&Ms factory.

Bees are apparently picking up vibrantly colored, sugary waste from the plant, operated by the company Agrivalor some 2.5 miles away from their apiaries. A statement from Agrivalor that appeared in the French newspaper Le Monde said the company would clean its containers and store waste in airtight containers to prevent bees from reaching it.
該沼氣工廠由Agrivalor公司經營,距養蜂場約2.5英里(大約4公里);那些蜜蜂顯然採了工廠排出、顏色鮮豔又有甜味的廢料。Agrivalor在法國報紙Le Monde聲明,他們會清理所有容器,並將廢料貯存在封緊的容器,以免蜜蜂接觸。

“We quickly put in place a procedure to stop it,” Philippe Meinrad, co-manager of Agrivalor, told Reuters.
Agrivalor的經理菲利浦‧曼羅德(Philippe Meinrad)說:「我們立即採取措施,阻止類似事情發生。」

France generates 18,330 tons of honey per year, making it one of the largest honey producers in the European Union. In Alsace alone, about 2,400 beekeepers manage 35,000 colonies, which produce about 1,000 tons of the stuff per year. However, France hasn’t been spared by the largely unexplained decrease in the world bee population in recent years, Reuters reported.

Gill Maclean, a spokesperson for the British Beekeepers’ Association, told the BBC that the harsh winter of 2011-2012 may have affected bees’ ability to forage. This could be a reason why the bees sought out the alternate sugar.
英國養蜂協會發言人吉爾‧麥克林(Gill Maclean)告訴英國廣播公司(BBC),2011-2012的寒冬影響了蜜蜂的覓食能力。這也就是為什麼,該區的蜜蜂會採有甜味的廢料,作為替代。

“Bees are clever enough to know where the best sources of sugar are, if there are no others available,” Maclean told the BBC.

Rest assured: Consumers won’t see blue honey on store shelves anytime soon. Alain Frieh, president of the apiculturists’ union, told Reuters the only similarity between regular honey and their bees’ M&M-tainted byproducts might be taste.“For me, it’s not honey,” Frieh told Reuters. “It’s not sellable.”
相關人員擔保,消費者絕不會在架上看到藍色的蜂蜜。養蜂聯盟主席亞藍‧菲(Alain Frieh)告訴路透社,正常的蜂蜜和「帶有M&Ms成分」的蜂蜜,共通點就是都有各自的味道。他也繼續說,「對我而言,這根本不是蜂蜜。完全不能上架。」




今天要介紹mock的形容詞意思,也就是"假的、偽裝的、模擬的"。比如某人明明知道某事,但卻故作驚訝,這時就可以說:She opened her eyes wide in mock disbelief.

或者,有時候會聽到一些女生假裝尖叫,就可以說:The girls are screaming in mock fright. 又比如美國總統大選將近,兩方候選人都為電視辯論卯足全力,甚至請人模擬演練:The candidates might even hold a mock debate with someone playing the role of their political opponents, in order to practice how it will go.


walk a fine line

每日一詞---walk a fine line

to walk a fine line表示謹慎、小心行事的意思;有時後也可以說to walk a thin line。比如某些地區的外交官,必須懂得如何在當地叛軍與政府間拿捏分寸,就可以說:The diplomats knew they had to walk a fine line between the rebel groups and the government.

又例如身為丈夫,總得小心翼翼處理婆媳問題;畢竟一個是拉拔自己成長茁壯的母親,一個是相伴自己到老的太太:He has to walk a thin line when trying to resolve a dispute between his mother and wife.





來看看例句吧:The fans rushed into the greenroom trying to take photos with Kylie Minogue. 歌迷們衝進(演員)休息室,搶著和凱莉米納合照。



2012European Beard and Moustache Championships


It's nice and warm today! I quite enjoyed the fresh air and sat in the garden, admiring the sunshine all afternoon...well, let's see something funny from Daily News today!

2012 European Beard and Moustache Championships
Who's to say guys don't put time and effort into doing their hair?! The 2012 European Beard and Moustache Championships took place in Wittersdorf, France on Sept. 22, 2012. About a hundred participants were on hand to show off their funky facial hair. From wacky mustaches to downright hair-raising looks, check out the best of the 2012 contestants ...

This beard defies gravity at the 2012 European Beard and Moustache Championships on Sept. 22, 2012.

Want to know the secret behind this man's facial hair success? Hair rollers!
In order to keep this handlebar mustache in perfect order, one participant uses an old fashioned roller backstage.

Is this guy sporting TWO mustaches?!

Forget about traditionally bushy beards, at the Championships, the wackier the better!

Cheers! The competition turns friendly in Wittersdorf, France over a round of beer.

For a beard that took THAT long to grow, we hope this guy can pull out a few perfect 10's!