

原文摘自Huffington Post


作者:Claire Fallon

'Improbable Libraries' Beautifully Depicts The Fun Side Of Libraries 
發佈時間: 05/04/2015 9:31 am EDT 更新時間: 05/04/2015 10:59 am EDT

Muyinga, Burundi 布隆迪(中非國家)穆因加省圖書館

There’s just something about a library -- its well-thumbed, plastic-sheathed bestsellers and dusty shelves of obscure treasures, all just waiting to be picked up and enjoyed by you. And then someone else, someone you may never meet. A library brings readers together into one space to share, exchange, and unlock the secrets of books. Oh, and it’s absolutely free to use.

The Sir Duncan Rice Library at the University of Aberdeen 鄧肯萊斯爵士圖書館,阿伯丁大學

Alex Johnson, a journalist for the U.K.’s Independent and the author of Improbable Libraries, agrees. But he’s also noticed that libraries don’t just operate out of drab brick municipal buildings or aged edifices with Gothic arches.
英國《獨立報》記者Alex Johnson也同意這個說法。他寫了本書,叫《奇異圖書館》。他知道,圖書館並不只是毫無生氣的磚塊建築或哥德式的古老大樓。

“There have always been entrepreneurial librarians,” he noted in an email to The Huffington Post, “such as those who ran circulating libraries in small crates for lighthouses in the 19th century or who used pack horses to carry books in the early 20th century -- but more recently the idea that the library can come to the reader ... seems to have become more pronounced.”

William Hakewill's traveling library 威廉·黑克維爾的流動圖書館

Improbable Libraries, which documents unusual and visually striking libraries from across the globe, was Johnson’s shot at bringing “the fun and entertaining side” of libraries back into a conversation that’s become dominated by doom and gloom about their finances. “Both my parents are librarians,” he explained, “so it’s always been at the back of my mind.” And despite the rise of eBooks, he believes that "in a world which is becoming gradually more virtual, physicality will become increasingly valued.”

Libraries also featured in another aspect of his family life. He met his wife while at Oxford. "We often worked together in the Radcliffe Camera,” he remembered. “It has very fond memories for me.” That and: “Before they give you a card there as a student, you have to promise not to kindle flame inside it, which is also rather endearing.” A practical measure, perhaps, but also the sort of charming institutional quirk that belongs to the world of libraries, rather than e-readers.

Improbable Libraries documents libraries carried on camelback, dangling from trees and in good old-fashioned buildings; Little Free Libraries and libraries built for one. There are libraries designed to overcome a lack of infrastructure and governmental support, and libraries designed to capture readers easily distracted by their smartphones and Kindles. Whether it's a bicycle delivering books or a serene literary retreat, these institutions remind us of the ineffable power of holding a book in your hands and seeing the signs left by previous attentive readers -- a power digital texts can never replicate.
《奇異圖書館》收錄了駱駝背上的圖書館、垂吊於樹叢的圖書館和美麗老建築裡的圖書館,也介紹了小小免費圖書館(Little Free Libraries)和只容納一個讀者的圖書館;有為克服基礎建設不足或政府資助不夠的圖書館,也有一些特殊圖書館,專門吸引容易因智慧手機或Kindle而走神的讀者。不論是單車遞書還是寧靜的文學居室,這些地方都再再提醒我們那不可言喻的力量──一種雙手抱書的快樂、開心看著書上前一個讀者留下的筆跡──這種力量是電子書無法取代的。

The photos in Improbable Libraries give a glimpse at a present, and hopefully a future, in which libraries remain at the heart of our shared literary culture.

Soneva Kiri resort children's library, Thailand 沽島兒童圖書館,泰國沽島度假區

The inner dome of the Soneva Kiri library, constructed from bamboo 沽島圖書館穹頂內部,以竹編成。

The Bookbike of Tucson, Arizona 單車圖書館,亞利桑那州圖森

A Little Free Library in New York City 小小免費圖書館,紐約市

Dangling book homes at the Librairie Urbaine in Lyon, France 城市圖書館丹林書屋,法國里昂

A popup library on Bondi Beach in Australia, courtesy of IKEA 移動圖書館,澳洲邦迪海灘,IKEA捐贈
The Children's Mobile Library of Mongolia, operated by author Jambyn Dashdondog
蒙古兒童移動圖書館,Jambyn Dashdondog經營

Marta Wengorovius' One, Two, Many library/art project fits just one reader
Marta Wengorovius的圖書館/藝術計劃剛好只容納一個讀者

Raul Lemesoff's Weapon of Mass Instruction looks like a tank, but only delivers free books in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Raul Lemesoff的“大指令武器”看來像台坦克,只在阿根廷的布宜諾斯艾利斯免費贈書
The Kansas City Public Library, Central Branch, in Kansas City, Missouri

The People's Library of the Occupy Wall Street protests, New York City 佔領華爾街抗議的人民圖書館,紐約市

