Then I realized, with a word, a line, my faith is shaking. I am fairly inside of an illusion, and I'm fairly aware of it. Memories seem to lengthen themselves out as I look back. None of us know the color of the sky.
Gordon Brown: Malala's U.N. speech is just the beginning
每日一看---Gordon Brown: Malala's U.N. speech is just the beginning(上)
Gordon Brown: Malala's U.N. speech is just the beginning
By Laura Smith-Spark, CNN
July 13, 2013 -- Updated 1523 GMT (2323 HKT)
(CNN) -- Pakistani teenager Malala Yousafzai's inspiring speech at the United Nations on every child's right to go to school is just the beginning of a major push on education, former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Saturday.
Yousafzai -- who on Friday gave her first public remarks since she was shot by the Taliban last year for advocating that all girls should go to school -- will return to the United Nations in September to press her point, according to a statement from Brown's A World at School campaign.
Accompanied by Brown, she will address an education summit of world leaders during the week of the full General Assembly at U.N. headquarters in New York, it said.
There, the 16-year-old will demand action on behalf of 57 million children around the world who have no access to any schooling.
Between them, Pakistan and Nigeria have 16 million children out of school, the statement said, most of them girls.Meanwhile, Brown, who's the U.N. special envoy for global education, will travel to Pakistan in July to discuss education issues with the country's new government. He also intends to visit Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation, in the fall.
Brown and Yousafzai met with the United Nations' Pakistan high commissioner on Friday to discuss the plight of more than 5 million children who are out of school in the country, the statement said.
"Malala's speech was just the start of a momentous push for change in the run up to 2015, to deal with the education emergency," Brown said.
My mom isn't very tech-savvy. She has a hard time using email! 我媽對科技不怎麼在行,連用email都有問題啊!
I've always been interested in computers, and as a result I'm fairly tech-savvy. 我對電腦一直很有興趣,所以對這類東西還滿熟的。
My mom isn't very tech-savvy. She has a hard time using email! 我媽對科技不怎麼在行,連用email都有問題啊!
I've always been interested in computers, and as a result I'm fairly tech-savvy. 我對電腦一直很有興趣,所以對這類東西還滿熟的。
flea market
每日一詞---flea market
好,相信很多人一看就知道這是什麼意思了吧!沒錯,就是我們常說的「跳蚤市場」。雖然沒什麼必要重提,但英文的解釋是這樣的:A market, usually held outdoors, where antiques, used household goods, and curios are sold. (跳蚤市場通常在戶外舉辦,古董、家中用過的物品及稀奇的東西都可買賣)。來看些例句吧!
I’m really excited to go to the local flea market this weekend because a friend of mine has a booth there. She does all these hand-crafted goods. 我好期待這個禮拜的跳蚤市場喔!我有一個朋友在那擺攤,她很會做手工。
I found an adorable couch at a flea market last weekend. 上週末,我在跳蚤市場找到一個很棒的長沙發。
好,相信很多人一看就知道這是什麼意思了吧!沒錯,就是我們常說的「跳蚤市場」。雖然沒什麼必要重提,但英文的解釋是這樣的:A market, usually held outdoors, where antiques, used household goods, and curios are sold. (跳蚤市場通常在戶外舉辦,古董、家中用過的物品及稀奇的東西都可買賣)。來看些例句吧!
I’m really excited to go to the local flea market this weekend because a friend of mine has a booth there. She does all these hand-crafted goods. 我好期待這個禮拜的跳蚤市場喔!我有一個朋友在那擺攤,她很會做手工。
I found an adorable couch at a flea market last weekend. 上週末,我在跳蚤市場找到一個很棒的長沙發。