每日一詞---give the cold shoulder
What I have done to her? She gave me the cold shoulder the whole day at school. 我到底做錯什麼了?在學校她都不屑看我一眼。
Our town council has given the cold shoulder to a proposal to build a public swimming pool. 市議會對建造公共泳池的提案不理不睬//沒有興趣。
Massive 16th Century Sculpture of a Guardian Colossus
每日一看---Massive 16th Century Sculpture of a Guardian Colossus
以下文章及圖摘自My Modern Metropolis...慢慢欣賞吧~
Massive 16th Century Sculpture of a Guardian Colossus
Shrouded within the park of Villa Demidoff (just north of Florence, Italy), there sits a gigantic 16th century sculpture known as Colosso dell'Appennino, or the Appennine Colossus. The brooding structure was first erected in 1580 by Italian sculptor Giambologna. Like a guardian of the pond in front of him, the giant is in an endless watchful pose, perched atop his earthy seat.
就在義大利北部的佛羅倫斯,Villa Demidoff公園裡藏著一座巨大的石雕。這尊石像完成於十六世紀,名為Colosso dell'Appennino. 這座沉思的雕像於1580年完成,由雕塑家Giambologna豎立。一如眼前池子的守護者,這座石像棲居於佈滿青苔的泥土上,凝視著一切。
stick around
每日一詞---stick around
好糟糕啊啊啊,今天下午睡得一塌糊塗,加上不小心喝太多大紅袍,所以現在整個人輕飄飄的,也有點瘋瘋癲癲的,一點睡意都沒有....好,廢話不多說,直接來看今天要介紹的片語吧!stick around就是指「逗留一陣子」的意思,也能說「多待一會兒」。來看幾個句子吧!
The kids stuck around for a time after the class was over. 那些小孩下課後,逗留了一會。
Oh, Alice,. Please stick around for a while. I want to talk to you later. 噢,愛莉絲,請多待一會。我晚點想跟你談談。
好糟糕啊啊啊,今天下午睡得一塌糊塗,加上不小心喝太多大紅袍,所以現在整個人輕飄飄的,也有點瘋瘋癲癲的,一點睡意都沒有....好,廢話不多說,直接來看今天要介紹的片語吧!stick around就是指「逗留一陣子」的意思,也能說「多待一會兒」。來看幾個句子吧!
The kids stuck around for a time after the class was over. 那些小孩下課後,逗留了一會。
Oh, Alice,. Please stick around for a while. I want to talk to you later. 噢,愛莉絲,請多待一會。我晚點想跟你談談。
好,今天來看的詞兒是fishy. 沒錯,這個字跟魚有很大的關係,可以表示「有魚腥味的」、「像魚的」,或是只眼神呆滯如死魚,我想最貼切的應該是大家常說的死魚眼吧哈哈。不過,今天要講的是另一種用法,也就是比較口語的,指「可疑的」、「靠不住的」。來看些句子吧!
The excuse sounds fishy. 那個理由聽起來怪怪的。
There is something fishy about that woman. I don't believe what she says. 那個女人怪可疑的,我不太相信她的話。
Their leaving at the same time looked fishy. 他們同時離開,讓人感覺有蹊蹺。
好,今天來看的詞兒是fishy. 沒錯,這個字跟魚有很大的關係,可以表示「有魚腥味的」、「像魚的」,或是只眼神呆滯如死魚,我想最貼切的應該是大家常說的死魚眼吧哈哈。不過,今天要講的是另一種用法,也就是比較口語的,指「可疑的」、「靠不住的」。來看些句子吧!
The excuse sounds fishy. 那個理由聽起來怪怪的。
There is something fishy about that woman. I don't believe what she says. 那個女人怪可疑的,我不太相信她的話。
Their leaving at the same time looked fishy. 他們同時離開,讓人感覺有蹊蹺。
space out
每日一詞---space out
(還是忍不住把我最愛的羅賓放上來了xD) 好的,今天要看的是space out. 這是今天和外師聊天意外學到的,哈哈。這個片語就是「發呆」、「發楞」的意思,也就是一時腦袋空空不知道在想什麼。直接來看例句吧!
Alice spaced out during the meeting and I didn't understand a word she said. 愛莉絲開會都不知道在想什麼,我連一個字也聽不懂。
I have a tendency to space out at the end of a hard day. 疲累的一天結束時,我習慣放空。
(還是忍不住把我最愛的羅賓放上來了xD) 好的,今天要看的是space out. 這是今天和外師聊天意外學到的,哈哈。這個片語就是「發呆」、「發楞」的意思,也就是一時腦袋空空不知道在想什麼。直接來看例句吧!
Alice spaced out during the meeting and I didn't understand a word she said. 愛莉絲開會都不知道在想什麼,我連一個字也聽不懂。
I have a tendency to space out at the end of a hard day. 疲累的一天結束時,我習慣放空。
Beautiful and Aching Photos About Finding Yourself
每日一看---Beautiful and Aching Photos About Finding Yourself
話說今天是春分耶!今天白天跟夜晚的時間剛剛好一樣,像我腦裡攪來攪去的思緒一樣等長等短xD今天也來欣賞一下不同的美吧!總覺得能用鏡頭傳達不同意念,是一件很棒的事。如果一張照片勝過千言萬語,那會是個偉大的傑作。以下文章及圖摘自My Modern Metropolis,請各位慢慢欣賞吧。
Alexandra Benetel has many fond memories of traveling with her family at a very young age. She remembers picking up a disposable camera at a local store and shooting all the scenes around her. Her real passion for photography, however, didn't fully develop until she enrolled in a visual design course in high school. As she tells us, "During that time, I learned about pinhole photography, was introduced to the site Flickr and, ultimately, absolutely fell in love with photography."
話說今天是春分耶!今天白天跟夜晚的時間剛剛好一樣,像我腦裡攪來攪去的思緒一樣等長等短xD今天也來欣賞一下不同的美吧!總覺得能用鏡頭傳達不同意念,是一件很棒的事。如果一張照片勝過千言萬語,那會是個偉大的傑作。以下文章及圖摘自My Modern Metropolis,請各位慢慢欣賞吧。
and Aching Photos About Finding Yourself
Alexandra Benetel has many fond memories of traveling with her family at a very young age. She remembers picking up a disposable camera at a local store and shooting all the scenes around her. Her real passion for photography, however, didn't fully develop until she enrolled in a visual design course in high school. As she tells us, "During that time, I learned about pinhole photography, was introduced to the site Flickr and, ultimately, absolutely fell in love with photography."
Benetel小時候和家人四處旅行,有很多愉快的回憶。她記得自己到在地的商店,挑了一台拋棄式相機,捕捉週遭的風景。然而,直到Alexandra Benetel中學時接觸了視覺設計的課程,她對攝影的熱忱才完全燃起。她告訴我們:「那個時候,我學會了針孔攝影、知道了Flicker這個網站,最後,也就愛上了攝影。」
To us,
both are highly talented at drawing out an emotion, of making us feel a sense
of vulnerability right along with her subjects. "I aim to create beautiful
photographs that capture mysterious yet dream-like worlds, filled with oddities
that encompass aspects of reality," she says. "I want people to be
transported to a different world, escape their life for just a little while and
experience something fantastical. At the same time, I want people to relate to
and feel something when viewing my work."
對我們而言,Alexandra Benetel與她弟弟(同是攝影師)都熟悉如何捕捉主體表情,傳達一種脆弱不實的感覺。她說:「我就是要創造一個充滿神秘、如夢般的世界,卻又怪誕四溢的現實,然後用相片來呈現」,「我想讓人們到另一個不同的世界、脫離現實生活,體驗迷人的絢麗;哪怕只是一下子。在欣賞我作品的同時,我希望大家能在其中找到共鳴。」
Surreal Floral Portraits by Sayaka Maruyama
每日一看---Surreal Floral Portraits by Sayaka Maruyama
切入正題之前,先來段小碎碎念吧xD終於沒有再發燒了,也比較能清楚思考了!更重要的是,我要謝謝這些關心我、愛我的家人和朋友們,有你們真好=] 也謝謝哥哥今天中午特地煮十穀粥+枸杞+小魚給我吃,我應該要趕快把這種好男人推銷出去才是啊哈哈
好,碎碎念完了。今天來看一些和美有關的事物吧!個人還滿喜歡這種風格的呢(以下文章與圖摘自My Modern Metropolis)
日本攝影師Sayaka Maruyama用另一種方式重新探索、詮釋及定義了何為經典的「美」。她試圖讓觀眾用不同的角度,來欣賞身邊的美。在她以倫敦風格為主的Sakura作品集中,強調了傳統日本及超現實的美感,Maruyama形容:「從東西方觀點來看,他們解讀日本眼中的美是相互對立的。」
切入正題之前,先來段小碎碎念吧xD終於沒有再發燒了,也比較能清楚思考了!更重要的是,我要謝謝這些關心我、愛我的家人和朋友們,有你們真好=] 也謝謝哥哥今天中午特地煮十穀粥+枸杞+小魚給我吃,我應該要趕快把這種好男人推銷出去才是啊哈哈
好,碎碎念完了。今天來看一些和美有關的事物吧!個人還滿喜歡這種風格的呢(以下文章與圖摘自My Modern Metropolis)
Surreal Floral Portraits by Sayaka Maruyama
Sayaka Maruyama的超現實與花美人
photographer Sayaka Maruyama creates art that explores,
recreates, and redefines the classic definitions of beauty. She challenges her
viewers to look with a fresh perspective and to see beauty in every element of
our surroundings. In Sakura, the London-based artist draws on classical Japanese
references and Surrealist motifs to explore what she describes as
"contradictory contemporary understandings of Japanese notions of beauty,
from both Western and Eastern perspectives."
free rein
每日一詞---free rein
今天要看的是free rein,而rein就是指勒馬的韁繩。所以這個片語就是指「讓人隨心所欲」、「為所欲為」。我們來看看English Baby的介紹吧,順便瞥瞥本人的翻譯 =]
Have you ever gone horseback riding? Most people use equipment to help keep themselves, and their horse, safe. There’s the saddle to give you a comfortable place to sit, and the bridle to give you a place to attach the reins. The reins are straps that you can pull on to get your horse to stop. When you let the reins go loose, the horse continues forward until you pull on the reins again.
To give free rein, then, is to allow someone or something to continue without your trying to stop it. You might not even be able to stop it if you tried. For example, a mother might tell her son that he has to keep his toys neat in most of the rooms of the house, but he can have free rein over his bedroom. Or you might say that the swim team uses the pool until six o’clock, but the public has free rein after that.
所以囉,free rein的意思就是把某人或某事放水流(對不起我暫時想不到恰當的詞xD),不予以干涉;且就算你想阻止,可能也起不了作用。比如,一位媽媽可以要她的小孩不在其他房間亂丟玩具,卻管不了他在自己房間亂搞。另一個例子,假設某個游泳隊要在泳池練到六點,但其他人可以在六點之後使用。
When my husband’s away, I have free rein over the house and can leave my stuff wherever I want.我先生不在時,我想怎樣就怎樣,可以把東西丟在想丟的地方。
I’ll let you make dinner, if you give me free rein over dessert.我會讓你做晚餐,但前提是你不能管我弄怎樣的甜點。
今天要看的是free rein,而rein就是指勒馬的韁繩。所以這個片語就是指「讓人隨心所欲」、「為所欲為」。我們來看看English Baby的介紹吧,順便瞥瞥本人的翻譯 =]
Have you ever gone horseback riding? Most people use equipment to help keep themselves, and their horse, safe. There’s the saddle to give you a comfortable place to sit, and the bridle to give you a place to attach the reins. The reins are straps that you can pull on to get your horse to stop. When you let the reins go loose, the horse continues forward until you pull on the reins again.
To give free rein, then, is to allow someone or something to continue without your trying to stop it. You might not even be able to stop it if you tried. For example, a mother might tell her son that he has to keep his toys neat in most of the rooms of the house, but he can have free rein over his bedroom. Or you might say that the swim team uses the pool until six o’clock, but the public has free rein after that.
所以囉,free rein的意思就是把某人或某事放水流(對不起我暫時想不到恰當的詞xD),不予以干涉;且就算你想阻止,可能也起不了作用。比如,一位媽媽可以要她的小孩不在其他房間亂丟玩具,卻管不了他在自己房間亂搞。另一個例子,假設某個游泳隊要在泳池練到六點,但其他人可以在六點之後使用。
When my husband’s away, I have free rein over the house and can leave my stuff wherever I want.我先生不在時,我想怎樣就怎樣,可以把東西丟在想丟的地方。
I’ll let you make dinner, if you give me free rein over dessert.我會讓你做晚餐,但前提是你不能管我弄怎樣的甜點。
Beautifully Elegant Dancers Pose Along City Streets
每日一看---Beautifully Elegant Dancers Pose Along City Streets
Australian photographer Lisa Tomasetti has worked as a visual artist and film stills photographer for the past 23 years. Her eye for cinematic drama comes through in her dance photography, a collection of images in which she is able to capture the beautiful elegance of ballet dancers set against the more rough, gritty urban city streets of Paris, Tokyo, and New York.
澳大利亞攝影師Lisa Tomasetti,過去23年都在視覺藝術與電影劇照界穿梭。成功捕捉美麗優雅的芭蕾舞者駐足於略為遜色的都市街頭(比如巴黎、東京和紐約),讓她擁有抓住經典的獨到眼光。
Dressed in leotards, tutus, and satin point shoes, her subjects gracefully pose in a variety of classic ballet positions including the grand jeté and the arabesque penchée. Tomasetti places the dancers in the most unexpected environments, and, as they achieve splits in mid air and delicately balance on one toe, viewers experience a visual juxtaposition of classic elegance and refinement, set in front of the roughness of street corners, subway stations, and bustling shopping districts.
身穿緊身舞衣、tutu短裙,以及緞面硬鞋,這些舞者優雅地擺出各種古典舞姿,像是grand jeté和 arabesque penchée(對不起啊啊啊在下才疏學淺,雖然有學芭蕾,但這些術語真的不知道該怎麼翻才恰當Q_Q)。Tomasetti讓這些舞者立於意想不到的背景---凌亂的街道、地鐵、繁忙的購物區,但卻能捕捉她們劈腿和保持完美平衡的畫面,給觀眾一種截然不同的美感。
今天來看一些賞心悅目的照片吧!然後.....翻譯明天再補上=3=////以下文章摘自My Modern Metropolis,有興趣的人可以在臉書上找到專頁。總覺得三月的微風就是適合這種輕淡的美麗,喜歡這種細膩的勾勒。
Beautifully Elegant Dancers Pose Along City Streets
Australian photographer Lisa Tomasetti has worked as a visual artist and film stills photographer for the past 23 years. Her eye for cinematic drama comes through in her dance photography, a collection of images in which she is able to capture the beautiful elegance of ballet dancers set against the more rough, gritty urban city streets of Paris, Tokyo, and New York.
澳大利亞攝影師Lisa Tomasetti,過去23年都在視覺藝術與電影劇照界穿梭。成功捕捉美麗優雅的芭蕾舞者駐足於略為遜色的都市街頭(比如巴黎、東京和紐約),讓她擁有抓住經典的獨到眼光。
Dressed in leotards, tutus, and satin point shoes, her subjects gracefully pose in a variety of classic ballet positions including the grand jeté and the arabesque penchée. Tomasetti places the dancers in the most unexpected environments, and, as they achieve splits in mid air and delicately balance on one toe, viewers experience a visual juxtaposition of classic elegance and refinement, set in front of the roughness of street corners, subway stations, and bustling shopping districts.
身穿緊身舞衣、tutu短裙,以及緞面硬鞋,這些舞者優雅地擺出各種古典舞姿,像是grand jeté和 arabesque penchée(對不起啊啊啊在下才疏學淺,雖然有學芭蕾,但這些術語真的不知道該怎麼翻才恰當Q_Q)。Tomasetti讓這些舞者立於意想不到的背景---凌亂的街道、地鐵、繁忙的購物區,但卻能捕捉她們劈腿和保持完美平衡的畫面,給觀眾一種截然不同的美感。
If you enjoy this kind of dance photography, you may enjoy this similar project, entitled Ballerina Project by Dane Shitagi, as well as this hilarious and heartfelt series, The Tutu Project, by Bob Carey.
Global warming is epic, long-term study says
每日一看(2)---Global warming is epic, long-term study says
from natural warming
Variations in how the Earth is tilted
and its orbit around the sun make for a pattern of planetary warming phases
followed by cooling phases across the millennia.
The team's research shows the Earth's
overall temperature curve dipping down over about the past 4,000 years, but the
downward plod comes to an abrupt halt in modern times.
"If you were to predict -- based
on where we are relative to the position of the sun and how we are tilted --
you would predict that we would be still cooling, but we're not," Marcott
Instead, the planet is warming up. It
hasn't been quite this warm in thousands of years. And it's getting hotter.
By 2100, the Earth will be warmer than
ever before, Marcott said. If emissions continue as currently predicted until
then, global temperatures will rise "well above anything we've ever seen
in the last 11,000 years."
That could be a rise of 2 to 11.5
degrees Fahrenheit, according to the NSF.
Global warming is epic, long-term study says
每日一看(1)---Global warming is epic, long-term study says
Global warming is epic, long-term study says
By Ben Brumfield, CNN
March 8, 2013 -- Updated 1157 GMT
(1957 HKT)
scientist looks at an ice core from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide coring
(CNN) -- Global warming has
propelled Earth's climate from one of its coldest decades since the last ice
age to one of its hottest -- in just one century.
A heat spike like this has never
happened before, at least not in the last 11,300 years, said climatologist
Shaun Marcott, who worked on a new study on global temperatures going back that
"If any period in time had a
sustained temperature change similar to what we have today, we would have
certainly seen that in our record," he said. It is a good indicator of
just how fast man-made climate change has progressed.
A century is a very short period of
time for such a spike.
The Earth was very cold at the turn of
the 20th century. The decade from 1900 to 1909 was colder than 95% of the last
11,300 years, the study found.
Fast forward to the turn of the 21st
century, and the opposite occurs. Between 2000 and 2009, it was hotter than
about 75% of the last 11,300 years.
If not for man-made influences, the
Earth would be in a very cold phase right now and getting even colder,
according the joint study by Oregon State University and Harvard University.
Marcott was the lead author of the report on its results.
To boot, the range of temperatures from
cold to hot produced since the industrial revolution began are about the same
as the 11,000 years before it, said Candace Major from the
National Science Foundation, "but this change has
happened a lot more quickly."
make waves
每日一詞---make waves
今天要介紹的詞呢,就是make waves;和字面意思一樣---就是興風作浪、引起騷動之意。這個片語通常表示負面的意思,好吧!直接來看幾個例子。
Our culture encourages us to fit the norm and not to make waves. 受文化影響,我們習慣跟隨主流,不標新立異。
We decided not to make waves with our parents and agreed to have a real wedding. 我們決定不和父母瞎吵,同意辦一場真正的婚禮。
If you make waves too much around here, you won't last long. 如果你在這裡放肆,絕對待不久。
今天要介紹的詞呢,就是make waves;和字面意思一樣---就是興風作浪、引起騷動之意。這個片語通常表示負面的意思,好吧!直接來看幾個例子。
Our culture encourages us to fit the norm and not to make waves. 受文化影響,我們習慣跟隨主流,不標新立異。
We decided not to make waves with our parents and agreed to have a real wedding. 我們決定不和父母瞎吵,同意辦一場真正的婚禮。
If you make waves too much around here, you won't last long. 如果你在這裡放肆,絕對待不久。
lip synching
每日一讀---lip synching
相信大家對演唱會發生對嘴事件應該不陌生吧!今天要看的就是「對嘴」的英文簡介(請包容敝人拙拙的翻譯吧)。以下文章摘自English Baby,有興趣的人可以google一下,順便練練聽力喔。
With all the lights and props performers use these days, it’s hard to know what’s really going on onstage when you go to a concert. Are they actually singing up there, or just lip synching?
Lip synching is when you move your lips as though you are singing, but you don’t make any sound. You’re just pretending while a recording plays.
Generally, fans don’t like it when artists lip synch. In the ‘80s, the band Milli Vanilli’s career was ruined when people found out they were lip synching.
一般來說,粉絲們都不喜歡歌手表演時對嘴唱。在1980年代,Milli Vanilli樂團就是因為被人揭發對嘴唱而走下坡。
相信大家對演唱會發生對嘴事件應該不陌生吧!今天要看的就是「對嘴」的英文簡介(請包容敝人拙拙的翻譯吧)。以下文章摘自English Baby,有興趣的人可以google一下,順便練練聽力喔。
With all the lights and props performers use these days, it’s hard to know what’s really going on onstage when you go to a concert. Are they actually singing up there, or just lip synching?
Lip synching is when you move your lips as though you are singing, but you don’t make any sound. You’re just pretending while a recording plays.
Generally, fans don’t like it when artists lip synch. In the ‘80s, the band Milli Vanilli’s career was ruined when people found out they were lip synching.
一般來說,粉絲們都不喜歡歌手表演時對嘴唱。在1980年代,Milli Vanilli樂團就是因為被人揭發對嘴唱而走下坡。
snap out of it
每日一詞---snap out of it
好的,今天要介紹的是snap out of it. snap當動詞是指門、蓋子等啪的一聲關上,或是某些東西突然斷裂、變了樣。所以呢,這個片語就是指「振作起來」,特別是從自憐自艾、悲傷等狀態恢復正常。好,來看些例句吧!
She is filled with grief, and just can't seem to snap out of it. 她滿懷悲傷,似乎無法釋懷。
Snap out of it! Why are you feeling sorry for yourself? 快振作起來!你怎麼垂頭喪氣的?
好的,今天要介紹的是snap out of it. snap當動詞是指門、蓋子等啪的一聲關上,或是某些東西突然斷裂、變了樣。所以呢,這個片語就是指「振作起來」,特別是從自憐自艾、悲傷等狀態恢復正常。好,來看些例句吧!
She is filled with grief, and just can't seem to snap out of it. 她滿懷悲傷,似乎無法釋懷。
Snap out of it! Why are you feeling sorry for yourself? 快振作起來!你怎麼垂頭喪氣的?
Dandelion tires? It's not a Beatles lyric, it's biotech
每日一看---Dandelion tires? It's not a Beatles lyric, it's biotech
Dandelion tires? It's not a Beatles lyric, it's biotech
By Nick Glass and Tim Hume, CNN
February 15, 2013 -- Updated 1617
Wageningen, The Netherlands
(CNN) -- The dandelion's bright yellow bloom and fuzzy, parachute-like seeds are
a familiar sight across the continents.
But scientists at
Dutch biotech firm KeyGene believe the flower's true beauty could lie beneath
the soil.
The dandelion's
roots contain latex, the milky liquid that is a source for natural rubber and
the origin for the plant's name in a number of languages (the Danish for
"dandelion" translates as "milk pot").
Global demand for
natural rubber is expected to outstrip supply by 20% by 2020. But KeyGene believes
that the dandelion can be developed into an important natural source of the
commodity, worth more than $100 billion a year.
The dandelion's
roots are smaller than ideal for commercial rubber production. So KeyGene is
putting the plant through a process of plant phenotyping in order to develop a
variety of dandelion with a fatter root and higher yield, that would be better
suited for industrial processing.