今天來看個有點老氣的詞兒吧!那就是"何苦"。何苦雖然越來越少出現在日常生活的對話,但用在寫作上其實挺漂亮的。相對應的英文該如何表達呢?來看看第一個句子吧:Why (did you) trouble yourself with such trifle? 何苦為這個小事費神呢?
第二句是說一個女人為了個破了的花瓶大哭特哭,但何苦呢?She cried her heart out for the broken vase. It is really not worth it. 雖然這句也可以用"不值得"來解釋,但個人認為,何苦比較傳神。
再來,最後一句是我們常會聽到的:何苦(對某人)發這麼大的脾氣呢?Is it worth blowing him up?
今天一樣,來看看中文對應的英文表達方式吧!今天要講的是"不妨、何妨";要說不妨試試看時,可以這樣講:I don't think there is any harm in trying. 當然,也可以說:Why not give it a try?
第二句是:不妨回家休個息吧!Why not go home and take a rest? 雖然這句也可以用問句的方式來解釋,但原意還是祁使的。
第三句:開會前不妨走一走吧!(有這樣對你比較好的成份)You may as well go for a walk before the meeting.
may as well do something雖然在這裡的是指不妨,但它通常帶有建議的意思。比如我不妨直接告訴你真相(我不必再等了的意思),就可以說:I may as well tell you the truth now. (I needn't to wait any more.)
今天一樣,來看看中文對應的英文表達方式吧!今天要講的是"不妨、何妨";要說不妨試試看時,可以這樣講:I don't think there is any harm in trying. 當然,也可以說:Why not give it a try?
第二句是:不妨回家休個息吧!Why not go home and take a rest? 雖然這句也可以用問句的方式來解釋,但原意還是祁使的。
第三句:開會前不妨走一走吧!(有這樣對你比較好的成份)You may as well go for a walk before the meeting.
may as well do something雖然在這裡的是指不妨,但它通常帶有建議的意思。比如我不妨直接告訴你真相(我不必再等了的意思),就可以說:I may as well tell you the truth now. (I needn't to wait any more.)
第一個是usually, 也就是平常習慣怎麼樣的意思。比如我平時都九點出門上學,就可以說:I usually leave for school at nine. 或是一家人習慣在吃完晚飯後散個步,也可以說:The family usually go for a walk after dinner.
第二個是generally speaking,同樣是指一般,不過這個詞比較偏向"廣義來說"的意思。比如某人的工作表現不錯,我們都很滿意,就可以說:Generally speaking, we are satisfied with her work. 又比如大部分的人都認為老人比較保守,這時就能說:Generally speaking, the young are less conservative than the old.
最後一個是more or less,雖然也是一般的意思,但比較偏向"大概、通常"。比如一趟旅程一般(通常)要花三,就可以說:It is a three-day trip, more or less.
第一個是usually, 也就是平常習慣怎麼樣的意思。比如我平時都九點出門上學,就可以說:I usually leave for school at nine. 或是一家人習慣在吃完晚飯後散個步,也可以說:The family usually go for a walk after dinner.
第二個是generally speaking,同樣是指一般,不過這個詞比較偏向"廣義來說"的意思。比如某人的工作表現不錯,我們都很滿意,就可以說:Generally speaking, we are satisfied with her work. 又比如大部分的人都認為老人比較保守,這時就能說:Generally speaking, the young are less conservative than the old.
最後一個是more or less,雖然也是一般的意思,但比較偏向"大概、通常"。比如一趟旅程一般(通常)要花三,就可以說:It is a three-day trip, more or less.
今天來看bumble這個動詞吧!相信很多人都已經讀過相關的解釋,那我就按照The Free Dictionary的編排,一個個來翻譯好了:
bumble (1)
1. To speak in a faltering manner. 說話支吾、結巴。
2. To move, act, or proceed clumsily. 走路、動作或行事笨拙,不靈光。
To bungle; botch. 搞砸;因能力不足,笨手笨腳地把事情弄糟了。
We struggle and bumble our way along, but somehow happiness continues to elude us.
bumble (2)
To make a humming or droning sound; buzz.發出嗡嗡聲或低沉的聲音;發出滋滋聲。
在這邊最常說得就是bumble bees,也就是常見的黑黃相間蜜蜂,喜歡成群結隊到處飛。
今天來看bumble這個動詞吧!相信很多人都已經讀過相關的解釋,那我就按照The Free Dictionary的編排,一個個來翻譯好了:
bumble (1)
1. To speak in a faltering manner. 說話支吾、結巴。
2. To move, act, or proceed clumsily. 走路、動作或行事笨拙,不靈光。
To bungle; botch. 搞砸;因能力不足,笨手笨腳地把事情弄糟了。
We struggle and bumble our way along, but somehow happiness continues to elude us.
bumble (2)
To make a humming or droning sound; buzz.發出嗡嗡聲或低沉的聲音;發出滋滋聲。
在這邊最常說得就是bumble bees,也就是常見的黑黃相間蜜蜂,喜歡成群結隊到處飛。
To Do Thursday: I Love a Parade
To Do Thursday: I Love a Parade
By Daniel D'Addario 11/22 8:00am
The era of the department store may be
nearing its end, thanks to the rise of online commerce, but let’s focus on what
they can fly overhead one day a year, not their high overhead on the other 364. Macy’s, per Thanksgiving tradition, celebrates the
holiday with balloons of Hello Kitty, SpongeBob SquarePants and Spider-Man, as
well as parade floats that alternate between popular
culture (the Smurfs at home in their mushroom) and patriotism (the Statue of
Liberty). As ever, the parade ends with Santa Claus, heralding the beginning of
the Christmas season. And here we haven’t even started thinking about what we
want to receive—or, we suppose, give.
網路購物的興起,也許挫著了百貨公司的盛氣,但讓我們來看看365天中,他們唯一能在上頭飛的一天吧!這種情形可不是其他364天見得到的。梅西百貨公司(Macy’s,美國第一大連鎖百貨公司,旗艦店位於紐約海諾德廣場(Herald Square),1924年開幕時被譽為”世界最大的商店”)每逢感恩節都會以大型的造型氣球遊行來慶祝,比如Hello Kitty、海綿寶寶和蜘蛛人等,以及囊括各個文化特色、樣式多變的彩車遊行(像是法國故事中,住在磨菇裡的小藍精靈;或是代表美國的自由女神像)。一如往常,這項遊行由聖誕老人壓軸,揭示聖誕節的到來。但我們還沒有點子想收到怎樣的禮物呢---或是,該送什麼樣的禮物。
說到worm大家會想到什麼呢?應該都是鑽來鑽去又有點噁心的小蟲吧!比如,小孩子總喜歡蹲在地上看蟲爬:The child watched the worm inching along. 當然,說人家懦弱沒用、很討厭,也可以用這個字喔:You are no worm, you are a man; so get up, lad, and fight.
1. We must be on guard not to let the enemy spies worm in. 我們必須非常小心,不讓敵方間諜鑽進來。
2. How did the thieves worm in? 那些竊賊是怎麼鑽進來的?
3. She wormed all the secrets out of him. 她死纏爛打、無所不用其極挖出他全部的秘密。
說到worm大家會想到什麼呢?應該都是鑽來鑽去又有點噁心的小蟲吧!比如,小孩子總喜歡蹲在地上看蟲爬:The child watched the worm inching along. 當然,說人家懦弱沒用、很討厭,也可以用這個字喔:You are no worm, you are a man; so get up, lad, and fight.
1. We must be on guard not to let the enemy spies worm in. 我們必須非常小心,不讓敵方間諜鑽進來。
2. How did the thieves worm in? 那些竊賊是怎麼鑽進來的?
3. She wormed all the secrets out of him. 她死纏爛打、無所不用其極挖出他全部的秘密。
on one's toes
每日一詞---on one's toes
on one's toes 就是指保持警覺、機敏,也就是能夠隨時行動的意思。比如在樂團,演奏者反應要快,才能跟上指揮:In Orchestra players must be on their toes all the time, so as not to miss an entrance.
這個片語也可以用在運動上,比如拳擊手或賽跑的人都要很機靈,才能隨時出手(或出腳xD),和對手過招。當然,用它來形容上課也是可以的;比如上某些老師的課,學生總得聚精會神,以防突然被點到回答問題:I have to be on my toes in her class. I have to listen and think.
on one's toes 就是指保持警覺、機敏,也就是能夠隨時行動的意思。比如在樂團,演奏者反應要快,才能跟上指揮:In Orchestra players must be on their toes all the time, so as not to miss an entrance.
這個片語也可以用在運動上,比如拳擊手或賽跑的人都要很機靈,才能隨時出手(或出腳xD),和對手過招。當然,用它來形容上課也是可以的;比如上某些老師的課,學生總得聚精會神,以防突然被點到回答問題:I have to be on my toes in her class. I have to listen and think.
Why I live 60 meters up a tree(2)
Environmental activist Miranda Gibson
環保鬥士Miranda Gibson
Unfortunately the forestry industry had other ideas, digging in its heels when it came to final crunch.
Environmental activist Miranda Gibson
環保鬥士Miranda Gibson
Unfortunately the forestry industry had other ideas, digging in its heels when it came to final crunch.
Neither the science nor the economics seem
to have won out. The Tasmanian forestry industry is in crisis and being propped
up by tax payer funds. There are some who may want to put their heads in the sand, but we cannot go on ignoring
today's market realities of a worldwide trend towards environmentally friendly
From my tree top platform, I have Skyped my
way around the globe, speaking to thousands of people. And the message is
clear, people don't want to buy furniture and flooring made from the
destruction of endangered species habitat, community water catchments or
globally significant carbon sinks.
The failure of the talks has created
uncertainty for the future of the forests here. And with it, uncertainty for
me. With no end in sight, who knows how long it will be before I set foot on
the ground again?
I have already become the Australian record
holder for the longest time spent in a tree, after I reached 209 days back in
July this year. I hope, for the sake of the forests, that I will not need to
break the world record held by Julia Butterfly Hill, who sat for two years in a
Californian Redwood.
Why I live 60 meters up a tree(1)
Valley , Tasmania (CNN) -- Like many I have been anxiously waiting the outcome of the
Tasmanian "forest peace talks."
I live 60 meters up a tree
為何住在60公尺 高的樹上
Miranda Gibson, Special to CNN
30, 2012 -- Updated 0351 GMT (1151 HKT)
Gibson lives on a 60-meter high platform in a 400-year-old tree in Tasmania , Australia
note: For 10 months, Australian environmental activist
Miranda Gibson has been living on a platform in a Eucalyptus tree 60 meters
above the ground in Tasmania 's
southern forest. She's vowing to stay there until the forests receive greater
state protection from logging. Gibson writes a blog from her Observertree.
編按:這10個月來,澳洲環保鬥士Miranda Gibson都待在塔斯馬尼亞南方的森林,住在離地60公尺 高的桉樹上。她誓言除非政府加強伐木限制,否則不會離開。Gubson也寫了部落格Obsevertree來記錄一切。
CNN記者Tyenna Valley, 塔斯馬尼亞報導---我也和許多人一樣,焦急等待塔斯馬尼亞「森林和平會談」的結果。
But unlike most, I have done so 200 feet
(60 meters) above the ground, perched at the top of an old growth tree whose
fate depends upon them. A tree I climbed 10 months ago and vowed not to leave
until the forests were protected.
但不同於大眾,我在離地200英呎 (60公尺 )的空中等待,棲於一棵年邁老樹的頂端。這個會議的結果,將會影響它的命運。10個月前我攀爬上這棵老樹,誓言除非這片森林得到應有的保護,否則我不會離開。
And then on Saturday the news hit -- the
talks had collapsed.
The two years of talks between environment
groups, unions and industry representatives failed to find the resolution to
bring the industry out of crisis and protect Tasmania 's high conservation value forests.
No deal means clear-felling of old growth forests is set to continue.
The tree that has been my home since
December 14 last year is a part of 572,000 hectares at the center of the
debate. Verified by scientific experts to be of world heritage value, it should
have have been on its way to formal protection. And I should have been on my
way out of this tree and into a long hot bath!
我從去年12月14日 起暫居這棵老樹,而它只是這片五十七萬兩千公頃 森林的一部分,也是這場爭論的中心。這棵樹由專家認定符合世界遺跡標準,早該受到正規的保護;而我也早該在離開它路上,準備泡一個舒服的熱澡!
Environmental activist Miranda Gibson
Unfortunately the forestry industry had
other ideas, digging in its heels when it came to final crunch.
The Purple Heart
每日一看---The Purple Heart 紫心勳章
導讀:紫心勳章是美國軍人的榮譽象徵,由總統頒給在大戰中受傷截肢的士兵;而為國捐軀的軍人則由家屬代領。紫心勳章的構想最早由美國第一任總統(1789-1797)華盛頓提出,當時名為軍功勳章(Badge of Military Merit),頒給3名參與美國獨立戰爭(1775-1783)的士兵,但之後就鮮少被人提起。直到第一次世界大戰,這個勳章才又得到重視;後來,美國在紐約建造了一座紫心勳章榮譽廳,來紀念及表揚為戰犧牲的軍人。
BARBARA MACNEVIN, DAUGHTER OF PURPLE HEART RECEPIENT: My dad, Ralph W. Bingham (ph). He was the veteran of the first world war, the big war. He lost his right leg fighting in France, and he received a Purple Heart for that. We had it for many years in my home, where I grew up.
ROBERT MACNEVIN, GRANDSON OF PURPLE HEART RECEPIENT: Unbeknownst to us, it was lost in some manner in one his moves later in his life.
CAPT. ZACHARIAH FIKE, U.S. ARMY: I found Private Ralph W. Bingham`s medal on Craigslist. This has been the calling of mine for about the last three years. I locate lost or stolen medals. These are all the Purple Hearts that I`m currently working. Some I`ve located to families, some I haven`t.
I do these on my own time. I don`t consider it a hobby. It`s more of a calling and an honor. I myself have a Purple Heart. It hangs on the wall in my mother`s home, and I would hope that one day, if my medal was lost, someone would do the same thing for me and my family.
It is truly an honor to bring Private Bingham`s Purple Heart home to his family, and I am again truly humbled by his sacrifice.
It is a great honor to bring home his Purple Heart. Thank you very much.
B. MACNEVIN: The medal means a lot to me, especially, and to our family.
FIKE: I`m glad it is home to where it belongs, and I`ll move on to the next medal.
導讀:紫心勳章是美國軍人的榮譽象徵,由總統頒給在大戰中受傷截肢的士兵;而為國捐軀的軍人則由家屬代領。紫心勳章的構想最早由美國第一任總統(1789-1797)華盛頓提出,當時名為軍功勳章(Badge of Military Merit),頒給3名參與美國獨立戰爭(1775-1783)的士兵,但之後就鮮少被人提起。直到第一次世界大戰,這個勳章才又得到重視;後來,美國在紐約建造了一座紫心勳章榮譽廳,來紀念及表揚為戰犧牲的軍人。
BARBARA MACNEVIN, DAUGHTER OF PURPLE HEART RECEPIENT: My dad, Ralph W. Bingham (ph). He was the veteran of the first world war, the big war. He lost his right leg fighting in France, and he received a Purple Heart for that. We had it for many years in my home, where I grew up.
ROBERT MACNEVIN, GRANDSON OF PURPLE HEART RECEPIENT: Unbeknownst to us, it was lost in some manner in one his moves later in his life.
CAPT. ZACHARIAH FIKE, U.S. ARMY: I found Private Ralph W. Bingham`s medal on Craigslist. This has been the calling of mine for about the last three years. I locate lost or stolen medals. These are all the Purple Hearts that I`m currently working. Some I`ve located to families, some I haven`t.
I do these on my own time. I don`t consider it a hobby. It`s more of a calling and an honor. I myself have a Purple Heart. It hangs on the wall in my mother`s home, and I would hope that one day, if my medal was lost, someone would do the same thing for me and my family.
It is truly an honor to bring Private Bingham`s Purple Heart home to his family, and I am again truly humbled by his sacrifice.
It is a great honor to bring home his Purple Heart. Thank you very much.
B. MACNEVIN: The medal means a lot to me, especially, and to our family.
FIKE: I`m glad it is home to where it belongs, and I`ll move on to the next medal.
有些人喜歡賴床,但又常因為沒吃早餐而容易發脾氣,就能說:Wake up, or you'll miss your breakfast again and be grumpy all morning.
這個詞也能用來說那些脾氣不好的老人,例如:He has a stubborn, grumpy face, but looks extremely fit for a man of his age.
當然,不是只有人會有這種脾氣,動物也會喔。假如不小心養了一隻脾氣乖戾的貓,就可以這麼說:I don't know how to get along with my grumpy cat.
有些人喜歡賴床,但又常因為沒吃早餐而容易發脾氣,就能說:Wake up, or you'll miss your breakfast again and be grumpy all morning.
這個詞也能用來說那些脾氣不好的老人,例如:He has a stubborn, grumpy face, but looks extremely fit for a man of his age.
當然,不是只有人會有這種脾氣,動物也會喔。假如不小心養了一隻脾氣乖戾的貓,就可以這麼說:I don't know how to get along with my grumpy cat.
Indoor Clouds
每日一看---Best Inventions of the Year 2012
Best Inventions of the Year 2012
Indoor Clouds
By TIME Staff Nov. 01, 2012
That’s not Photoshop. The Dutch artist Berndnaut Smilde has developed a way to create a small, perfect white cloud in the middle of a room. It requires meticulous planning: the temperature, humidity and lighting all have to be just so. Once everything is ready, Smilde summons the cloud out of the air using a fog machine. It lasts only moments, but the effect is dramatic and strangely moving. It evokes both the surrealism of Magritte and the classical beauty of the old masters while reminding us of the ephemerality of art and nature.
這可不是Photoshop,這是荷蘭藝術家Berndnaut Smilde想出的點子,能夠在室內製造一朵小巧純白的雲。而這需要拿捏得恰到好處:溫度、溼度、光線,都必須控制得剛剛好。等到一切就緒後,Smilde就用製霧機,憑空召喚出雲了。雖然這朵雲稍縱即逝,但帶來的效果卻十分驚人、也莫名地觸動人心。它激起了馬格利特式的超現實主義,也引出了老一代的古典美,但同時也提醒我們藝術與自然短暫的生命。
man up
每日一詞---man up
man up呢望詞生意,就是"振作起來、堅強一點,當個有肩膀的人"的意思,大多用在男生身上。比如某人都大學快畢業了卻一直很幼稚,這時就可以這麼告訴他:Hey, you've to man up! Don't be so childish all the time.
又或者某人工作很久、替公司賺了不少錢,但薪水卻始終如一,這時就可以跟他說:Why don't you just man up and ask your boss for a raise?
好吧,如果某人做錯事卻一直不願承認,也可以這麼告訴他:It's time to man up and tell everyone the truth.
man up呢望詞生意,就是"振作起來、堅強一點,當個有肩膀的人"的意思,大多用在男生身上。比如某人都大學快畢業了卻一直很幼稚,這時就可以這麼告訴他:Hey, you've to man up! Don't be so childish all the time.
又或者某人工作很久、替公司賺了不少錢,但薪水卻始終如一,這時就可以跟他說:Why don't you just man up and ask your boss for a raise?
好吧,如果某人做錯事卻一直不願承認,也可以這麼告訴他:It's time to man up and tell everyone the truth.
bite the bullet
每日一詞---bite the bullet
"咬子彈"乍聽之下十分駭人,但實際上它的意思也和這個差不多啦...就是"咬緊牙關、忍辱負重、硬著頭皮"等等。比如對天天騎50分鐘車上學的我來說,油價漲幅可是人命攸關的啊!但即使再怎麼貴,總不能待在家裡發楞吧!這時,就可以說:Scooter riders are biting the bullet after another rise in petrol prices.
又比如有些時候,即便自己很不願意,還是得為某些錯事低頭道歉。這時,就可以說:We've all experienced unpleasant moments when we had to bite the bullet and apologize for something we did.
或者期中考快到了,相信很多人即使不情願,還是得硬著頭皮讀讀書吧!這時就能說: Though some students don't enjoy studying, they have to bite the bullet when it comes to midterms or finals.
"咬子彈"乍聽之下十分駭人,但實際上它的意思也和這個差不多啦...就是"咬緊牙關、忍辱負重、硬著頭皮"等等。比如對天天騎50分鐘車上學的我來說,油價漲幅可是人命攸關的啊!但即使再怎麼貴,總不能待在家裡發楞吧!這時,就可以說:Scooter riders are biting the bullet after another rise in petrol prices.
又比如有些時候,即便自己很不願意,還是得為某些錯事低頭道歉。這時,就可以說:We've all experienced unpleasant moments when we had to bite the bullet and apologize for something we did.
或者期中考快到了,相信很多人即使不情願,還是得硬著頭皮讀讀書吧!這時就能說: Though some students don't enjoy studying, they have to bite the bullet when it comes to midterms or finals.
LIFE With Picasso: Photos, 1949-1967
LIFE With Picasso: Photos, 1949-1967
Pablo Picasso in a room displaying his pottery work,
There’s a reason — or rather, there are innumerable reasons, taking the form of paintings, sculptures, drawings, pottery and more — why Pablo Picasso is the most famous artist of the past 100 years. For well over seven decades, right up until his death in 1973 at the age of 91, he created thousands of works, many of them instantly recognizable masterpieces, in a dizzying array of media and in seemingly countless styles that he himself either pioneered or perfected.
'Woman With Baby Carriage,' Picasso's workshop at Notre-Dame-de-Vie, Mougins, France, 1967. |
Pablo Picasso "draws with light," 1949.
Françoise Gilot, Picasso's lover for 10 years, with their young son, Claude. She holds drawings of the boy by Picasso. Vallauris, France, 1949. |
Photo of the Day
Photo of the Day
August 29, 2011
Monk, Bagan
Photograph by Chien-Chi Chang, National Geographic
A monk walks a dusty road in Bagan, the ancient capital of Myanmar (Burma)—and a sight to rival Cambodia's Angkor Wat. The area once held 13,000 pagodas dating back to the second century A.D., many built of brick that was plastered and painted. Earthquakes and the Ayeyarwady River destroyed more than 10,000 of them.
一位僧侶在這條滿是塵土的路上行走---這裡是緬甸(Myanmar; Burma)的舊都,蒲甘(Bagan),足以和柬埔寨吳哥窟媲美。西元二世紀時這裡有1萬3千座佛塔,以磚砌成。但後來,1萬多座的佛塔卻毀於地震和伊洛瓦底江(Ayeyarwady River)的沖擊。
February 18, 2012
Child and Water Buffalo, Vietnam
Photograph by Denis Rozan, Your Shot
A young Hmong girl rides a water buffalo in Sa Pa, Vietnam.
January 1, 2009
Sailboats, Turag River, Bangladesh
Photograph by Dick Durrance II
Graceful as butterflies, boats glide past rice fields on the meandering Turag River near Dacca, Bangladesh. Hundreds of watery highways interlace the heartland of this low-lying South Asian country.
Photo of the Day
August 29, 2011
Monk, Bagan
Photograph by Chien-Chi Chang, National Geographic
A monk walks a dusty road in Bagan, the ancient capital of Myanmar (Burma)—and a sight to rival Cambodia's Angkor Wat. The area once held 13,000 pagodas dating back to the second century A.D., many built of brick that was plastered and painted. Earthquakes and the Ayeyarwady River destroyed more than 10,000 of them.
一位僧侶在這條滿是塵土的路上行走---這裡是緬甸(Myanmar; Burma)的舊都,蒲甘(Bagan),足以和柬埔寨吳哥窟媲美。西元二世紀時這裡有1萬3千座佛塔,以磚砌成。但後來,1萬多座的佛塔卻毀於地震和伊洛瓦底江(Ayeyarwady River)的沖擊。
February 18, 2012
Child and Water Buffalo, Vietnam
Photograph by Denis Rozan, Your Shot
A young Hmong girl rides a water buffalo in Sa Pa, Vietnam.
January 1, 2009
Sailboats, Turag River, Bangladesh
Photograph by Dick Durrance II
Graceful as butterflies, boats glide past rice fields on the meandering Turag River near Dacca, Bangladesh. Hundreds of watery highways interlace the heartland of this low-lying South Asian country.
Natagiri Pass Path
Natagiri Pass Path
Photograph by Michael S. Yamashita, National Geographic
Brilliant autumn sunshine and an inviting carpet of colorful leaves entice walkers ever-upward along a path on Japan’s Natagiri Pass. Those taking this trail follow in the footsteps of the great poet Matsuo Basho, who traveled it in 1689. Readers of his backcountry journal, Narrow Road to a Far Province, have sought the path ever since.
秋日,明亮的陽光輕輕灑下;一條鋪滿落葉的小徑,格外繽紛,引人入勝。這裡就是日本著名的山刀伐峠。俳句詩人松尾芭蕉(Matsuo Basho)曾於1689年踏足此地,寫下《奧之細道》。而 山刀伐峠,也因此見於世人。
Natagiri Pass Path
Photograph by Michael S. Yamashita, National Geographic
Brilliant autumn sunshine and an inviting carpet of colorful leaves entice walkers ever-upward along a path on Japan’s Natagiri Pass. Those taking this trail follow in the footsteps of the great poet Matsuo Basho, who traveled it in 1689. Readers of his backcountry journal, Narrow Road to a Far Province, have sought the path ever since.
秋日,明亮的陽光輕輕灑下;一條鋪滿落葉的小徑,格外繽紛,引人入勝。這裡就是日本著名的山刀伐峠。俳句詩人松尾芭蕉(Matsuo Basho)曾於1689年踏足此地,寫下《奧之細道》。而 山刀伐峠,也因此見於世人。