1. This country has rosy prospects. 這個國家前途光明。
rosy是從rose而來,原指淡紅色的、紅潤的,通常形容花或人的面色等等。但在這邊,rosy引申為"好"的意思,比如:The situation still looks rosy. 就是指表面看來,這個局勢仍然樂觀。簡單來說,rosy有時等於good,也比較典雅喔!
2. He needled his way through. 他穿過人群。
3. The ugly scar runs right across his left cheek. 他的左頰橫著一道難看的疤。
English Rhetoric
1. I'll chew over your suggestion. 我會仔細考慮你的意見。
大家知道chew是什麼嗎?它其實就是"嚼"的意思。比如要人好好吃東西,就可以說 Chew your food well before swallowing it. 另外,口香糖就叫chewing gum喔,很貼切吧~
而在例句,chew是"深思熟慮、仔細考量"的意思。所以下次要說"好好想一想"時,不妨用一下"chew over"吧!
2. Let's dig deeper into the issue. 讓我們進一步探討這項議題。
dig是挖的意思,比如dig a hole挖洞, dig a well挖井, dig up treasures挖寶藏等等;和上面的chew一樣,這裡的dig不是單純指挖,而是藉由挖的動作來表示討論、鑽研。所以囉,下次要講討論問題時,也可以說 Let's dig into the questions.
3. What a lame excuse you have! 你的藉口根本站不住腳/一點說服力都沒有/有夠爛
好的,相信大家都知道lame是什麼意思了吧!它就是指跛的、瘸的,也可以用來說差勁的、站不住腳的。所以要講某人很軟弱,不妨說 He is so lame.
1. I'll chew over your suggestion. 我會仔細考慮你的意見。
大家知道chew是什麼嗎?它其實就是"嚼"的意思。比如要人好好吃東西,就可以說 Chew your food well before swallowing it. 另外,口香糖就叫chewing gum喔,很貼切吧~
而在例句,chew是"深思熟慮、仔細考量"的意思。所以下次要說"好好想一想"時,不妨用一下"chew over"吧!
2. Let's dig deeper into the issue. 讓我們進一步探討這項議題。
dig是挖的意思,比如dig a hole挖洞, dig a well挖井, dig up treasures挖寶藏等等;和上面的chew一樣,這裡的dig不是單純指挖,而是藉由挖的動作來表示討論、鑽研。所以囉,下次要講討論問題時,也可以說 Let's dig into the questions.
3. What a lame excuse you have! 你的藉口根本站不住腳/一點說服力都沒有/有夠爛
好的,相信大家都知道lame是什麼意思了吧!它就是指跛的、瘸的,也可以用來說差勁的、站不住腳的。所以要講某人很軟弱,不妨說 He is so lame.
Martin Franck, part 3
每日一看---Martin Franck, part 3
As her career grew, Franck pursued a wide range of photographic stories, from documentary reportage inNepal and Tibet
to gentle and evocative portraits of Paris ’s
creative class. Her portfolio of the cultural elite includes photographic peers
Bill Brandt and Sarah Moon as well as artist Diego Giacometti and philosopher Michel
Foucault, among others. In 1983, she became a full member of Magnum Photos,
one of a small number of female members at the legendary photographic agency.
Balancing her time between a variety of stories, her work reflects an innate
sensitivity to stories of humanity.
French painter Balthus at home, 1999. |
A cemetary of stolen cars in the Darndale Housing Estate, Dublin, 1993. |
As her career grew, Franck pursued a wide range of photographic stories, from documentary reportage in
French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1992. |
隨著步入職業生涯高峰,馬丁也嘗試各種不同的題材;從尼泊爾和西藏的紀實攝影,到巴黎創藝課堂的細膩肖像,都沒有遺漏。而她在藝文界的交友也十分廣闊,例如同為攝影師的Bill Brandt和Sarah Moon、藝術家Diego Giacometti,以及哲學家Michel Foucault等,不勝枚舉。馬格南攝影通訊社名揚四海,但女性成員稀少;1983年,馬丁卻成功地成為正式一員。
Representation of the carnival, 1977. |
Town of Newcastle on Tyne, England, 1978. |
Martin Franck, part 2
每日一看---Martin Franck, part 2
Village festivities, Sivergues, France, 1974. |
Library for children in France, 1965. |
Born in Antwerp ,
Belgium in 1938, Franck
studied art history at the University
of Madrid and at the Ecole du Louvre in Paris .
In 1963, she began her photographic career at Time-Life in Paris , assisting photographers Eliot Elisofan
and Gjon Mili. Although somewhat reserved with her camera at first, she quickly
blossomed photographing the refined world of Parisian theater and fashion. A
friend, stage director Ariane Mnouchkine, helped establish Franck as the
official photographer of the Théâtre du Soleil in
1964—a position she held for the next 48 years.
1938年,馬丁出生於比利時的安特衛普城,大學則到巴黎羅浮宮學院攻讀藝術史。1963年,她展開了攝影生涯,在藝術行銷商Time-Life的巴黎分部工作,當Elisofan和Gjon Mili兩位攝影師的助手。儘管一開始發展不太順利,馬丁卻能在講求精緻的巴黎戲界和時尚界快速聲名大噪。她的一位舞台導演朋友,更在1964年把自己推向法國陽光劇團的正式攝影師---而往後的48年,馬丁也就一直擔任這個職位。
Martine Franck, part 1
每日一看---Martine Franck, part 1
註2:想知道Elliott Erwitt是個怎樣的攝影師嗎?來這裡看看唄!
Martine Franck: 1938
– 2012
攝影大師Martine Franck, 1938-2012
Profile Monday, August 20, 2012 | By
Vaughn Wallace
Martine Franck, an esteemed documentary and
portrait photographer and second wife of Henri Cartier-Bresson, died of cancer
in Paris on
Aug. 16 at the age of 74. A member of Magnum Photos for
more 32 years, Franck was a co-founder and president of the Henri
Cartier-Bresson Foundation.
Franck)是名備受尊敬的女紀實攝影師,同時也擅長肖像攝影。她是攝影大師布列松(Henri Cartier-Bressob)的第二任妻子,今年八月16日因癌症病逝巴黎,享年74歲。弗蘭克32年來一直是世界著名、關懷人道的馬格南攝影通訊社(Magnum
Photos)成員,後來和丈夫及女兒創立了布列松基金會(Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation)。
“Martine was
one classic Magnum photographer we could all agree with,” said photographer Elliott Erwitt. “Talented, charming, wise, modest and
generous, she set a standard of class not often found in our profession. She
will be profoundly missed.”
註2:想知道Elliott Erwitt是個怎樣的攝影師嗎?來這裡看看唄!
Emily Carr, part 2
每日一看---Emily Carr, part 2
Totem Walk at Sitka---1917 |
However, her contact
with the Group of Seven in 1930 resurrected her interest in art, and throughout
the 1930s she specialized in scenes from the lives and rituals of Native
Americans. She also showed her awareness of Canadian native culture through a
number of works representing the British Columbian rainforest. She lived among the native
Americans to research her subjects. Many of her Expressionistic paintings
represent totem poles and other artefacts of Indian culture.
然而1930年和七人畫派(Group of Seven*)的接觸,讓卡爾再次拾回對繪畫的熱情。整整30年代,卡爾的畫作都以美洲原住民的生活和鄉間景色見長。同時,她也表現了對加拿大原住民文化的關心,創作了數幅以英屬哥倫比亞雨林為景的畫作。卡爾和原住民一起生活,尋找靈感主題。她的作品屬表現派(Expressionism),大多為印地安的圖騰或手工藝品。
A Rushing Sea of Undergrowth---1932-35 |
*註:七人畫派(Group of Seven)是加拿大著名的一個畫派,於1920年創立。成員熱愛鄉野自然,主張運用誇張、大膽的技法,以變化多端的畫面呈現加拿大的自然風光。
Zunoqua of the Cat Village |
Emily Carr, part 1
每日一看---Emily Carr, part 1
Emily Carr
1871年12月13日 誕生,1945年3月2日 去世。
Artist and Writer: Emily Carr studied in San Francisco
in 1889-95, and in 1899 she travelled to England , where she was involved
with the St. Ives group and with
Hubert von Herkomer's private school.
Emily Carr
The Art History Archive - Canadian
Born December 13th 1871
Died March 2nd 1945.
卡爾是加拿大藝術家和作家。1889-1895年在美國舊金山讀書,1899年時旅行至英格蘭,加入St. Ives繪畫交流和英國畫家Hubert von Herkomer的私人學院。
She lived in France in 1910 where the work of
the Fauves influenced the colourism of her work and she came into contact with Frances Hodgkins. Discouraged by her lack of artistic
success, she returned to Victoria
where she came close to giving up art altogether.
1910年時,卡爾旅居法國。受野獸派(the Fauves)影響,她的作品用色和以往不同;同時,她也和擅長畫風景、靜物的女畫家Frances Hodgkins有所交流。但因為後來發展不順,卡爾灰心地回到加拿大維多利亞,幾乎放棄繪畫。
Out of sight, out of mind.
每日一句---Out of sight, out of mind.
1. You will soon forget about him after he leaves. Out of sight, out of mind. 他離開後,你很快就會忘記他的---離久情疏嘛。
2. Somehow my electric bill got moved to the bottom of the stake on my desk, and I forgot all about paying it. Out of sight, out of mind. 我的電費單不知道怎麼著被擺到桌上那堆文件的最下面,然後我也忘了要繳錢這回事。這就是所謂的眼不見、當不見吧!
1. You will soon forget about him after he leaves. Out of sight, out of mind. 他離開後,你很快就會忘記他的---離久情疏嘛。
2. Somehow my electric bill got moved to the bottom of the stake on my desk, and I forgot all about paying it. Out of sight, out of mind. 我的電費單不知道怎麼著被擺到桌上那堆文件的最下面,然後我也忘了要繳錢這回事。這就是所謂的眼不見、當不見吧!
at the end of one's rope
每日一詞---at the end of one's rope
好的,光看字面,我想大家應該都想到氣數已盡之類的意思吧!沒錯,這個片語就是指山窮水盡、快完蛋了的意思。比如有些富二代從小在優渥無慮的環境長大,老自以為能獨當一面,卻誰知人世間的處事眉角不是用金湯匙就能摳出來的啊~He is at the end of his rope---he lost his girls and job, his lovely Benz died, and he doesn't have any money in the bank.
又比如現在美國通過QE3,打算印更多鈔票來救經濟,但其實這只會加重泡沫化...看來老美好像無計可施了:I think QE3 is not a good idea. It seems that the U.S. government is at the end of its rope.
好的,光看字面,我想大家應該都想到氣數已盡之類的意思吧!沒錯,這個片語就是指山窮水盡、快完蛋了的意思。比如有些富二代從小在優渥無慮的環境長大,老自以為能獨當一面,卻誰知人世間的處事眉角不是用金湯匙就能摳出來的啊~He is at the end of his rope---he lost his girls and job, his lovely Benz died, and he doesn't have any money in the bank.
又比如現在美國通過QE3,打算印更多鈔票來救經濟,但其實這只會加重泡沫化...看來老美好像無計可施了:I think QE3 is not a good idea. It seems that the U.S. government is at the end of its rope.
reach out to
每日一詞---reach out to
1. 幫助、支援:Parents always reach out to their children no matter how tough the trouble may be. 不論遇到多大的困難,父母親都會對孩子伸出援手。Some people reach out to others only because they would want someone to do that for them. 有些人假好心做善事,其實只是希望危及時別人能夠拉他們一把。
2. 尋求幫助、求證等等: We reach out to her and she confirms she is ready to tell her side of the story. 我們向她求證事實,她也確定將公布事情的來龍去脈。When the little girl reached out to the teachers for help, they turned her down. 那個小女孩想找老師幫個忙,卻被拒絕了。
1. 幫助、支援:Parents always reach out to their children no matter how tough the trouble may be. 不論遇到多大的困難,父母親都會對孩子伸出援手。Some people reach out to others only because they would want someone to do that for them. 有些人假好心做善事,其實只是希望危及時別人能夠拉他們一把。
2. 尋求幫助、求證等等: We reach out to her and she confirms she is ready to tell her side of the story. 我們向她求證事實,她也確定將公布事情的來龍去脈。When the little girl reached out to the teachers for help, they turned her down. 那個小女孩想找老師幫個忙,卻被拒絕了。
但我們(國中以上)心中的書包可是跟這個差個十萬八千里啊對吧!!!如果一個國高中或大學生說 I always shoulder a pink schoolbag to school 外國人聽了除了可能暗笑這個人的破英文外,大概還會認為東方人比較慢轉大人吧...((我今天好偏激
shell company
strike a chord
每日一詞---strike a chord
首先,strike是打、敲(響)的意思;而chord呢,就是弦的意思,可以指心弦或是樂器的弦喔!所以strike a chord合起來就是引起共鳴、使人感同身受。比如一本書受歡迎的程度,從讀者的來信就能看出了;如果大家反應熱烈,那就表示這本書能夠引起共鳴:Clearly the book has struck a chord, as we can see from the hundreds of letters we have received from the readers.
除了表達感同身受,strike a chord也能指使人想起什麼事或耳熟的意思。如果要表示有個名字好像在哪裡聽過,就可以說:Carson? That strikes a chord. 或是要說照片裡的某人似曾相識:That woman in the picture struck a chord with me.
首先,strike是打、敲(響)的意思;而chord呢,就是弦的意思,可以指心弦或是樂器的弦喔!所以strike a chord合起來就是引起共鳴、使人感同身受。比如一本書受歡迎的程度,從讀者的來信就能看出了;如果大家反應熱烈,那就表示這本書能夠引起共鳴:Clearly the book has struck a chord, as we can see from the hundreds of letters we have received from the readers.
除了表達感同身受,strike a chord也能指使人想起什麼事或耳熟的意思。如果要表示有個名字好像在哪裡聽過,就可以說:Carson? That strikes a chord. 或是要說照片裡的某人似曾相識:That woman in the picture struck a chord with me.
今天要講的呢,是veteran。它可以當名詞,用來指老兵、退役軍人,或是用很久的東西和經驗老到之人。比如各個政黨總會有人懂得如何選舉造勢,扣住民心,這時就可以說:Almost every party has its veterans of hustings. 假如家裡有台老爺車開了十幾二十年、性能不太好了,就能說:That ford(福特) is really a veteran. 當然,指老兵榮民最好的例子,莫過於榮總醫院的英文名稱了 :Taichung Veterans General Hospital
veteran也可以當形容詞,一樣是說老道的、經驗豐富的,或是和老兵相關的。比如某人長期腹痛,生活作息不正常,身為他的朋友就可以說:You had better consult a veteran doctor. 你最好去給經驗老道的醫生看看。除了形容醫生,veteran也可以這麼搭配:a veteran golfer/lawyer...都是指...的老手。
今天要講的呢,是veteran。它可以當名詞,用來指老兵、退役軍人,或是用很久的東西和經驗老到之人。比如各個政黨總會有人懂得如何選舉造勢,扣住民心,這時就可以說:Almost every party has its veterans of hustings. 假如家裡有台老爺車開了十幾二十年、性能不太好了,就能說:That ford(福特) is really a veteran. 當然,指老兵榮民最好的例子,莫過於榮總醫院的英文名稱了 :Taichung Veterans General Hospital
veteran也可以當形容詞,一樣是說老道的、經驗豐富的,或是和老兵相關的。比如某人長期腹痛,生活作息不正常,身為他的朋友就可以說:You had better consult a veteran doctor. 你最好去給經驗老道的醫生看看。除了形容醫生,veteran也可以這麼搭配:a veteran golfer/lawyer...都是指...的老手。
What to Do When You're Robbed by Ninjas (part 3)
每日一讀(下)---What to Do When You're Robbed by Ninjas
"Are you OK?" he asked.
"So far," I said.
"Do you know these people?"
He asked a number of additional questions.
Since we had already established the basics, they struck me as superfluous. I
was being robbed.
Annoyed and frustrated, I turned to the bad
robber and held out the receiver.
"It's for you," I said.
I just couldn't deal with the cop anymore.
"It's OK, we know her," I heard
the robber say. "She owes us money."
Then he handed the phone back to me. He
looked just as irritated with the cop as I was. Neither of us wanted to talk to
"Hello?" I said.
"Do you know him?" the cop asked.
"Do you owe him money?"
"Are there weapons?"
All of a sudden we heard a helicopter
hovering overhead, and the house filled with bright light from its spotlight.
All I could think was that the police were going to shoot through the glass and
I was going to have to pay for it—in more ways than one. "There is a way
out of here, out the back and down the hill," I told the robbers. So they
took off one way, and I went upstairs.
There were cops everywhere. I told them the
robbers had scrambled down the hill and that they didn't have guns. I didn't
want them shooting anyone—especially the ninja going to college. He seemed like
a nice kid.
Within a few minutes, the cops caught the
bad robber and made me come down the block to identify him. They brought him to
me with his mask off. He scowled at me. "I should've killed you when I had
a chance," he said.
"That's pleasant,"
I said.
—Ms. Marshall 's
memoir "My Mother Was Nuts," from which this
is excerpted, will be published Sept. 18 by Amazon Publishing/New Harvest. She
starred in "Laverne & Shirley" and
directed, among other films, "Big" and "A League of Their
Mother Was Nuts》,九月18日 將由亞馬遜/新豐收出版社發行。馬歇爾女士曾演出電視喜劇”Laverne & Shirley”,導演過電影”Big”與”A League of Their Own”。
What to Do When You're Robbed by Ninjas (part 2)
每日一看(中)---What to Do When You're Robbed by Ninjas (part 2)
I walked out of my bedroom and
looked in the living room. As I stared across the room, I saw someone run into
the den and try a terrace door, which didn't open.
I don't startle easily. I've directed seven movies
and know a thing or two about dealing with unexpected crises.
Moving methodically, I found the clicker for my
alarm system on top of the bookcase, and just as I did, a guy emerged from the
den. He had a stocking over his head and a knife in his hand. From his stance,
I sensed he was nervous.
Another guy then appeared, this one dressed like a
ninja and holding a large sword. That was a nice touch, I thought. They told me
that we had to go to the bedroom, but we were interrupted by the phone. The
first ring caused all of us to freeze and stare at the blinking light. It was the third line, I noticed—the alarm company. I guessed the
clicker had worked.
I picked up the phone and immediately hung it up
again. They glanced at me, then at each other, then back at me. "Otherwise
it'll keep ringing," I said.
Unfortunately for them, I didn't have much in the
house to steal. I had on a necklace and a ring that had been my grandmother's.
The bad robber with the stocking and knife told me to hand over my jewelry.
"I can't," I said. "I'm doing a movie. I wore them on camera. I
have to match in the shots."
They exchanged looks, and I suppose, this being Hollywood , they
understood. They grabbed some cameras on a shelf instead. As the bad robber
went to look around the house again, he told his ninja partner something like
"If she moves, kill her." He had watched too many movies.
"I'm going to wash this mask off my
face." Then, without waiting for an answer, I went into the bathroom.
My ninja robber was surprised when he saw my face.
"Oh, my God," he said. "If we'd known it was you, we never
would've come up."
"Well, you can leave anytime," I said.
"Is this going to be your career?"
"No, I'm going to college," he said.
"So this is just a part-time job?"
When the phone rang again, the bad robber, now
annoyed, took the ninja's sword and destroyed it, reminding me of John Belushi's Samurai Warrior character. Of course, this being
my life, another extension began to ring. This time it was the police, a Lieutenant So-and-so.
What to Do When You're Robbed by Ninjas (part1)
每日一看(上)---What to Do When You're Robbed by Ninjas
今天來看個有趣的文章吧!是鼎鼎大名的潘妮‧馬歇爾(Penny Marshell)女士寫的。馬歇爾是演員、製片也是名導演,1990年上映的《睡人》(Awakening)曾入圍奧斯卡最佳男主角(勞勃狄尼洛)、最佳改編劇本和最佳影片等獎項。
What to Do When You're Robbed by Ninjas
Comedian Penny Marshall on the night she faced a knife and sword with wit and cool
喜劇家Penny Marshell以機智冷靜對付闖進家門、持刀拿劍的忍者
I'm not someone who has had to deal with much personal drama outside of the usual: growing up with parents who hated each other, two marriages and divorces of my own. There was the cancer thing, too. But there's nothing that says, "Penny, you were lucky to get through that one."
Oh, except for when I was robbed by the knife-wielding ninjas.
Let me explain. I had come home one night after a long day of filming a movie I was acting in. I pulled on my favorite flannel nightgown and applied a facial mask, one of those thick pastes. I heard a strange, unsettling noise inside one of the other rooms. I thought it was my daughter, Tracy, or my niece, Penny Lee, who was living downstairs in an outside apartment.
我來說一下吧。我那一整天都在拍自己演的片;回家後,我換上最喜歡的法蘭絨睡衣、也敷了面膜,就是那種厚泥狀的。然後我聽到某個房間傳來奇怪的聲音,悉悉嗉嗉的。我以為是我女兒Tracy,或是住在樓下的姪女Penny Lee。
"Tray," I called. Nothing. "P-Lee," I said, trying my niece. No answer.
今天來看個有趣的文章吧!是鼎鼎大名的潘妮‧馬歇爾(Penny Marshell)女士寫的。馬歇爾是演員、製片也是名導演,1990年上映的《睡人》(Awakening)曾入圍奧斯卡最佳男主角(勞勃狄尼洛)、最佳改編劇本和最佳影片等獎項。
What to Do When You're Robbed by Ninjas
Comedian Penny Marshall on the night she faced a knife and sword with wit and cool
喜劇家Penny Marshell以機智冷靜對付闖進家門、持刀拿劍的忍者
I'm not someone who has had to deal with much personal drama outside of the usual: growing up with parents who hated each other, two marriages and divorces of my own. There was the cancer thing, too. But there's nothing that says, "Penny, you were lucky to get through that one."
Oh, except for when I was robbed by the knife-wielding ninjas.
Let me explain. I had come home one night after a long day of filming a movie I was acting in. I pulled on my favorite flannel nightgown and applied a facial mask, one of those thick pastes. I heard a strange, unsettling noise inside one of the other rooms. I thought it was my daughter, Tracy, or my niece, Penny Lee, who was living downstairs in an outside apartment.
我來說一下吧。我那一整天都在拍自己演的片;回家後,我換上最喜歡的法蘭絨睡衣、也敷了面膜,就是那種厚泥狀的。然後我聽到某個房間傳來奇怪的聲音,悉悉嗉嗉的。我以為是我女兒Tracy,或是住在樓下的姪女Penny Lee。
"Tray," I called. Nothing. "P-Lee," I said, trying my niece. No answer.
每日一詞---be/get busted
be/get busted的意思呢,就是指被抓包、被逮到。即便是好人,有時也會被逮到做些不該做的事,比如超速或隨便拿別人東西等等。這種時候呢,就可以說:Even good people may get busted speeding when driving.
這個詞也可以用來說做虧心事、結果被發現了:The boy was busted for kicking the kitten and was scolded by his mom. 那個男孩被媽媽逮到亂踢小貓,結果被臭罵一頓。
另外,busted也可以指東西破掉了。比如有人不小心撞到放在桌上的玻璃杯,結果掉到地上破了,就可以說:Someone must have hit the glass, for it is busted now.
be/get busted的意思呢,就是指被抓包、被逮到。即便是好人,有時也會被逮到做些不該做的事,比如超速或隨便拿別人東西等等。這種時候呢,就可以說:Even good people may get busted speeding when driving.
這個詞也可以用來說做虧心事、結果被發現了:The boy was busted for kicking the kitten and was scolded by his mom. 那個男孩被媽媽逮到亂踢小貓,結果被臭罵一頓。
另外,busted也可以指東西破掉了。比如有人不小心撞到放在桌上的玻璃杯,結果掉到地上破了,就可以說:Someone must have hit the glass, for it is busted now.
Woolworth Mansion on upper East Side hits rental market for $150,000 a month
Homes 房市
Woolworth Mansion on upper East Side hits rental market for $150,000 a month
上東城伍爾沃斯大下開天價出租 每月15萬美元(約新台幣450萬)
This record-breaking townhouse has a 50-seat dining room attached to a solarium. The master suite has two sitting rooms and two full baths. Almost every detail in the house is intact.
By Jason Sheftell / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Published: Tuesday, September 4, 2012, 6:59 PM
Updated: Wednesday, September 5, 2012, 10:26 AM
4 E. 80th St. is the most expensive town house rental ever at $150,000 a month.
Call it “The Townhouse of Commerce.”
An East 80th St. mansion built in 1916 by shopping magnate Frank Woolworth to resemble his eponymous downtown skyscraper, just went on the rental market for $150,000 per month.
The 35-foot-wide townhouse has a 50-seat dining room attached to a solarium. The master suite has two sitting rooms and two full baths. A wood-paneled library, wet bar, and powder room make up the third floor. Almost every detail in the house is intact.
4 E. 80th St.
It pays to be Daddy’s little girl. Woolworth built three limestone mansions for his society daughters at 2, 4, and 6 East 80th St. The buildings to the west is a three-unit coop and the building to the east is owned by Frederick Koch, one of the Koch brothers who are infamous in Democratic circles.
都是給女兒的禮物。伍爾沃斯為了他上流社會的女兒,分別在紐約東80街2號、4號和6號蓋了石灰岩大廈。向西的兩棟有三房三衛三廳,而向東的一棟屬於民主黨內惡名昭彰的Koch兄弟之一,Fredrick Koch.
Current owner, the estate of exercise maven Lucille Roberts, decided to rent the property rather than sell. New renters can take the home furnished or unfurnished.
紐約東80街4號後來為健身俱樂部大亨Lucille Roberts女士所有。在她過世後,現任屋主打算出租這棟別墅,而非出售。新進的房客可以決定屋裡要不要保留原有的傢俱擺設。
Brown Harris Stevens broker Paula Del Nunzio, who never comments on owners, justified the record-breaking price.
紐約房地產公司Brown Harris Stevens的經紀人Paula Del Nunzio,從未對任何屋主出租出售表示看法。但對於這棟別墅的租金,他認為破紀錄了。
“It’s a miracle this house survived with so much of the original details intact,” said Del Nunzio, the top townhouse broker in the city who represented the seller of The Stanford White Mansion on Fifth Avenue earlier this year when it sold for $42 million. “The owners … not only restored that original details they found but also renovated the mansion with all modern systems. This house is a prime example of ‘architecture as art’ and there is always a market for that.”
Del Nunzio說:「這棟房子原有的傢俱擺設竟然能保存下來、幾盡完好如初,簡直是奇蹟。」身為紐約市首屈一指的房地產經紀人,Del Nunzio今年年初代理賣出紐約第五街的史丹福‧懷特大廈,以420萬美元成交。他繼續說:「這棟房子的屋主…不僅保留了原有的傢俱擺設,還加進了現代化的設備。這算是『建築藝術』的最高典範,也擁有自己的市場。」
Homes 房市
Woolworth Mansion on upper East Side hits rental market for $150,000 a month
上東城伍爾沃斯大下開天價出租 每月15萬美元(約新台幣450萬)
This record-breaking townhouse has a 50-seat dining room attached to a solarium. The master suite has two sitting rooms and two full baths. Almost every detail in the house is intact.
By Jason Sheftell / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Published: Tuesday, September 4, 2012, 6:59 PM
Updated: Wednesday, September 5, 2012, 10:26 AM
Courtesy of Brown Harris Stevens
4 E. 80th St. is the most expensive town house rental ever at $150,000 a month.
Call it “The Townhouse of Commerce.”
An East 80th St. mansion built in 1916 by shopping magnate Frank Woolworth to resemble his eponymous downtown skyscraper, just went on the rental market for $150,000 per month.
The 35-foot-wide townhouse has a 50-seat dining room attached to a solarium. The master suite has two sitting rooms and two full baths. A wood-paneled library, wet bar, and powder room make up the third floor. Almost every detail in the house is intact.
Allison Joyce for New York Daily News
4 E. 80th St.
It pays to be Daddy’s little girl. Woolworth built three limestone mansions for his society daughters at 2, 4, and 6 East 80th St. The buildings to the west is a three-unit coop and the building to the east is owned by Frederick Koch, one of the Koch brothers who are infamous in Democratic circles.
都是給女兒的禮物。伍爾沃斯為了他上流社會的女兒,分別在紐約東80街2號、4號和6號蓋了石灰岩大廈。向西的兩棟有三房三衛三廳,而向東的一棟屬於民主黨內惡名昭彰的Koch兄弟之一,Fredrick Koch.
Courtesy of Brown Harris Stevens
Current owner, the estate of exercise maven Lucille Roberts, decided to rent the property rather than sell. New renters can take the home furnished or unfurnished.
紐約東80街4號後來為健身俱樂部大亨Lucille Roberts女士所有。在她過世後,現任屋主打算出租這棟別墅,而非出售。新進的房客可以決定屋裡要不要保留原有的傢俱擺設。
Brown Harris Stevens broker Paula Del Nunzio, who never comments on owners, justified the record-breaking price.
紐約房地產公司Brown Harris Stevens的經紀人Paula Del Nunzio,從未對任何屋主出租出售表示看法。但對於這棟別墅的租金,他認為破紀錄了。
Courtesy of Brown Harris Stevens
“It’s a miracle this house survived with so much of the original details intact,” said Del Nunzio, the top townhouse broker in the city who represented the seller of The Stanford White Mansion on Fifth Avenue earlier this year when it sold for $42 million. “The owners … not only restored that original details they found but also renovated the mansion with all modern systems. This house is a prime example of ‘architecture as art’ and there is always a market for that.”
Del Nunzio說:「這棟房子原有的傢俱擺設竟然能保存下來、幾盡完好如初,簡直是奇蹟。」身為紐約市首屈一指的房地產經紀人,Del Nunzio今年年初代理賣出紐約第五街的史丹福‧懷特大廈,以420萬美元成交。他繼續說:「這棟房子的屋主…不僅保留了原有的傢俱擺設,還加進了現代化的設備。這算是『建築藝術』的最高典範,也擁有自己的市場。」
be open to
每日一詞---be open to
今天要介紹的呢,是be open to+N, 也就是容易接受N的意思。比如 He is open to temptation. 他易受誘惑。或是 His remark is open to misinterpretation. 他的言論容易遭人曲解。當然,我們也可進一步把它解釋為曝露的意思,比如 Don't lay yourself open to dangers. 別讓自己身陷危險。
另外,這個片語也有樂於接受N的意思哦!比如 He is very modest and open to advice. 他非常謙虛,樂於接受建議 。
好,今天學的詞兒,就是 be open to~
今天要介紹的呢,是be open to+N, 也就是容易接受N的意思。比如 He is open to temptation. 他易受誘惑。或是 His remark is open to misinterpretation. 他的言論容易遭人曲解。當然,我們也可進一步把它解釋為曝露的意思,比如 Don't lay yourself open to dangers. 別讓自己身陷危險。
另外,這個片語也有樂於接受N的意思哦!比如 He is very modest and open to advice. 他非常謙虛,樂於接受建議 。
好,今天學的詞兒,就是 be open to~
it's how you feel about what you play
"I do remember she wore diamonds...and she always dressed in fine clothing as if she was going out. Although, she never did and nobody ever came to visit her."
解說:這邊"do"是強調的意思,因句意不同而不同。比如"He did say that."就是"他確實有那樣說"。再來"dress in"就是穿著、打扮的意思。比如 "She used to dress in pink." 她以前總是穿粉色衣服。
"It's not about how well you play, it's how you feel about what you play. Try this..."
解說:feel about的英文解釋是這樣的:to try to find someone or something by feel [rather than sight]. 也就是靠感覺(而非視覺)來尋找某樣東西。比如 I had to feel about in the dark for the light switch. 我必須摸黑找電燈開關。當然,feel about還可以指"感覺、看法如何",例如:How do you feel about working nights and weekends? 你對上夜班、假日工作有什麼看法?
"I do remember she wore diamonds...and she always dressed in fine clothing as if she was going out. Although, she never did and nobody ever came to visit her."
解說:這邊"do"是強調的意思,因句意不同而不同。比如"He did say that."就是"他確實有那樣說"。再來"dress in"就是穿著、打扮的意思。比如 "She used to dress in pink." 她以前總是穿粉色衣服。
"It's not about how well you play, it's how you feel about what you play. Try this..."
解說:feel about的英文解釋是這樣的:to try to find someone or something by feel [rather than sight]. 也就是靠感覺(而非視覺)來尋找某樣東西。比如 I had to feel about in the dark for the light switch. 我必須摸黑找電燈開關。當然,feel about還可以指"感覺、看法如何",例如:How do you feel about working nights and weekends? 你對上夜班、假日工作有什麼看法?
The Devil's in the deterrent
Daily chart
The Devil's in the deterrent
Sep 3rd 2012, 13:05 by The Economist online
Crime rates and religious beliefs
GOVERNMENTS laboring to deliver effective crime-prevention policies could do worse than consider divine deterrence. In a paper published this summer in PLoS ONE, Azim Shariff at the University of Oregon and Mijke Rhemtulla at the University of Kansas compared rates of crime with rates of belief in heaven and hell in 67 countries. Citizens of those countries were asked which of heaven and hell they believed in, and each country’s overall "rate of belief" was calculated by subtracting the percentage of hell-believers from that of heaven-believers. The researchers found that the degree to which each country’s citizens believed more strongly in heaven than in hell predicted higher national crime rates. It seems that believing more strongly in the forgiveness of sins than in punishment in the after-life may help pave the way for further transgressions. The researchers also noted that the proportion of people believing in heaven almost always outweighed the proportion believing in hell. So a little more preaching on the fiery furnace might be beneficial in this life, if not also the next.
Note: A number of commenters have queried the validity of the crime statistics shown in the chart. You might be interested in reading the authors' responses (here) to some similar points that were made when the research was first published. See particularly the paragrah entitled "Integrity of the crime data".
政府大力推行預防犯罪的政策,其實不如用信仰來嚇阻。今年夏季發佈於PLoS ONE的一篇文章,比較了67個國家的犯罪率和該國人民信仰天堂或地獄的數值。該文章的作者為美國奧勒岡大學的Azim Shariff和堪薩斯大學的Mijke Rhemtulla。他們詢問受訪者相信天堂還是地獄,並將相信天堂的百分比減去相信地獄的百分比,也就是該國的「信仰比率」。研究發現,一國人民越是深信天堂,該國的犯罪率就越高。這似乎意味著,比起死後受罰,深信罪惡能被寬恕反而鋪了條通往犯罪的道路。此外研究人員也強調,他們發現信仰天堂的比例總是遠高於地獄(這也暗示著犯罪率為何居高不下)。因此,多宣揚地獄的殘酷可怕,也許有益於當今的社會,雖然對來世未必奏效。
Daily chart
The Devil's in the deterrent
Sep 3rd 2012, 13:05 by The Economist online
Crime rates and religious beliefs
GOVERNMENTS laboring to deliver effective crime-prevention policies could do worse than consider divine deterrence. In a paper published this summer in PLoS ONE, Azim Shariff at the University of Oregon and Mijke Rhemtulla at the University of Kansas compared rates of crime with rates of belief in heaven and hell in 67 countries. Citizens of those countries were asked which of heaven and hell they believed in, and each country’s overall "rate of belief" was calculated by subtracting the percentage of hell-believers from that of heaven-believers. The researchers found that the degree to which each country’s citizens believed more strongly in heaven than in hell predicted higher national crime rates. It seems that believing more strongly in the forgiveness of sins than in punishment in the after-life may help pave the way for further transgressions. The researchers also noted that the proportion of people believing in heaven almost always outweighed the proportion believing in hell. So a little more preaching on the fiery furnace might be beneficial in this life, if not also the next.
Note: A number of commenters have queried the validity of the crime statistics shown in the chart. You might be interested in reading the authors' responses (here) to some similar points that were made when the research was first published. See particularly the paragrah entitled "Integrity of the crime data".
政府大力推行預防犯罪的政策,其實不如用信仰來嚇阻。今年夏季發佈於PLoS ONE的一篇文章,比較了67個國家的犯罪率和該國人民信仰天堂或地獄的數值。該文章的作者為美國奧勒岡大學的Azim Shariff和堪薩斯大學的Mijke Rhemtulla。他們詢問受訪者相信天堂還是地獄,並將相信天堂的百分比減去相信地獄的百分比,也就是該國的「信仰比率」。研究發現,一國人民越是深信天堂,該國的犯罪率就越高。這似乎意味著,比起死後受罰,深信罪惡能被寬恕反而鋪了條通往犯罪的道路。此外研究人員也強調,他們發現信仰天堂的比例總是遠高於地獄(這也暗示著犯罪率為何居高不下)。因此,多宣揚地獄的殘酷可怕,也許有益於當今的社會,雖然對來世未必奏效。
sweet nothings
每日一詞---sweet nothings
好奇sweet nothings是什麼嗎?它的意義和字面其實很對味呢!沒錯,就是熱戀中的男女所說的「甜言蜜語」~通常被愛沖昏頭的情侶喜歡浸在自己勾勒出的小世界,既無煩惱也不受干擾((當然也就默默脫離現實了...
所以,這個片語可以這樣想:甜蜜而不中用的東西。來看看例句吧:He whispered sweet nothings to my ear with the bright moon in the sky. 在皎潔的月光下,他在我耳邊悄悄說著情話。
那「相信某人的甜言蜜語」該怎麼說呢?很簡單---I couldn't help but believe his sweet nothings, because all sounded so real. 我忍不住相信了他的甜言蜜語,因為感覺是那麼真實。
好奇sweet nothings是什麼嗎?它的意義和字面其實很對味呢!沒錯,就是熱戀中的男女所說的「甜言蜜語」~通常被愛沖昏頭的情侶喜歡浸在自己勾勒出的小世界,既無煩惱也不受干擾((當然也就默默脫離現實了...
所以,這個片語可以這樣想:甜蜜而不中用的東西。來看看例句吧:He whispered sweet nothings to my ear with the bright moon in the sky. 在皎潔的月光下,他在我耳邊悄悄說著情話。
那「相信某人的甜言蜜語」該怎麼說呢?很簡單---I couldn't help but believe his sweet nothings, because all sounded so real. 我忍不住相信了他的甜言蜜語,因為感覺是那麼真實。
'Barack ObaMEAT' and 'MEAT Romney'
好,我們今天來看看環保拼貼藝術家 傑森米歇爾創作的「候選人肉乾肖像」吧!
Mitt Romney and President Obama are real 'meatheads': Political food art
好,我們今天來看看環保拼貼藝術家 傑森米歇爾創作的「候選人肉乾肖像」吧!
Mitt Romney and President Obama are real 'meatheads': Political food art
Jason Mecier/Rex
Published: 08/29/2012 3:40:40
President Obama and Mitt Romney made from beef jerky
Here's some art you can really sink your teeth into! One San Francisco-based muralist has done the unthinkable with beef jerky - made it into art. Jason Mecier's new works entitled 'Barack ObaMEAT' and 'MEAT Romney' feature portraits of the presidential hopefuls made solely out of the salty beef treat. Mecier created these meaty masterpieces for Jack Link Beef Jerky's latest campaign: "Vote for your Favorite Meathead." But this isn't the first time we've seen politicial portraits made from food. From sausage links to cupcakes, check out the sweetest ingredients used in political food art...
By Rosanne Salvatore / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
環保拼貼藝術家 傑森米歇爾/雷克斯
有些藝術值得好好咀嚼!一位舊金山壁畫家用牛肉乾完成了不可思議的任務---讓它成為藝術。畫作作者傑森米歇爾(Jason Mecier)把他的新作命名為「Barack ObaMEAT 」和「MEAT Romney」;這兩幅頗具特色的肖像全由鹹牛肉乾製成,畫出美國兩位呼聲頗高的總統候選人。米歇爾的肉乾經典作品,是為了杰克林牌牛肉乾舖最近舉辦的「投給你最愛的候選人」活動所創。不過,這還不是頭一遭有人用食物繪製政壇人物喔。從香腸串到杯子蛋糕,讓我們來找出用最甜蜜的食材創作的政治藝術吧…
By Rosanne Salvatore / 紐約每日新聞
End of history and the last woman
End of history and the last woman
End of history and the last woman
Aug 22nd 2011, 15:02 by The Economist online
How long do countries have until their populations disappear?
As The Economist reports this week, many women in the richer parts of Asia have gone on “marriage strike”, preferring the single life to the marital yoke. That is one reason why their fertility rates have fallen. And they are not alone. In 83 countries and territories around the world, according to the United Nations, women will not have enough daughters to replace themselves, unless fertility rates rise. In Hong Kong , for example, a cohort of 1,000 women would be expected to give birth to just 547 daughters, at today’s fertility rates. (That gives Hong Kong a “net reproduction rate” of just 0.547, in the language of demographers.) If nothing changed, those 547 daughters would be succeeded by just 299 daughters of their own, and so on. At that rate, according to some back-of-the-envelope calculations by The Economist, it would take about 25 generations for Hong Kong ’s female population to shrink from 3.75m to just one. Given that Hong Kong ’s average age of childbearing is 31.4 years, it could expect to give birth to its last woman in the year 2798. (That is some time after its neighbour, Macau , which has a higher reproduction rate, but a much smaller population.) By the same unflinching logic, Japan , Germany ,Russia , Italy and Spain will not see out the next millennium. Even China, which has a recorded history stretching back at least 3,700 years, has only about 1,500 years left—if present trends continued unbroken.