每日一詞---at a crossroads
這次很特別喔!這邊的crossroads是複數沒有錯,就是指"十字路口"。如果是crossroad, 就是一般說的"交叉路"。所以,這個片語是說"在十字路口",或是"在...的交匯點"。
假如有起車禍發生在十字路口,就可以說 The accident occurred at a crossroads.
又比如唐朝時,長安不僅貿易熱絡,連藝術、信仰都蓬勃發展。這時,就可以說 Changan was a crossroads for trade, art and faith under the Tang Empire.
at a crossroads 還有其他引申意思喔,那就是面臨抉擇的時刻。比如最近歐洲諸國爆出許多爛攤子,也是時候該好好商討解決之策了。這時,就可以說 As the economic crisis has reached to a new level, eurozone is now standing at a crossroads. 而個人面對人生的未來方向,也可以說 I am at the crossroads of life, which means there are lots of decisions to make.
in the blink of an eye
每日一詞---in the blink of an eye
想當年我還是個無胸無腦的羅莉,總被長輩們當作吉祥物,拎著去大大小小的餐館飽食一頓。但一眨眼十幾年就這樣過去了,惆悵不禁油然而生啊~這時,就可以這樣說:Time flies, and fourteen years is only a blink of an eye.
而大學畢業的人,也許會感慨時光飛逝,大學四年猶如眨眼瞬間:Even though it really takes four years, it seems like college passed in the blink of an eye.
如果要說有人中了樂透、一夜致富,也可以用這個片語喔:He won the lottery and became rich in the blink of an eye!
好吧,如果有人突然墜入情網了,也能這麼說:I'm surprised that she just fell in love with that guy in the blink of an eye!
想當年我還是個無胸無腦的羅莉,總被長輩們當作吉祥物,拎著去大大小小的餐館飽食一頓。但一眨眼十幾年就這樣過去了,惆悵不禁油然而生啊~這時,就可以這樣說:Time flies, and fourteen years is only a blink of an eye.
而大學畢業的人,也許會感慨時光飛逝,大學四年猶如眨眼瞬間:Even though it really takes four years, it seems like college passed in the blink of an eye.
如果要說有人中了樂透、一夜致富,也可以用這個片語喔:He won the lottery and became rich in the blink of an eye!
好吧,如果有人突然墜入情網了,也能這麼說:I'm surprised that she just fell in love with that guy in the blink of an eye!
grab是一把抓的意思,比如抓手抓東西等等。比如有人一把抓住你的手,而你感覺很不舒服時,就可以說:Hey! Don't grab my arm like this!
要說別人從你手中一把拿走什麼東西,也可以用這個詞:She just grabbed the letter from me when I entered.
而grab也可以說隨便解決一餐的意思,尤其是在趕時間的狀況下。比如午餐時間只有20分鐘,沒時間去餐廳裡好好享受,只能到最近的餐車買個漢堡果腹一下。這時,就可以說:There is a food truck and I'm going to grab my lunch.
除此之外,grab也可以說喝一杯。比如:Come, let's grab a drink! Workaholics need a night off.例句說,來讓我們喝一杯嘛!工作狂晚上也是要放鬆一下的啊!
grab是一把抓的意思,比如抓手抓東西等等。比如有人一把抓住你的手,而你感覺很不舒服時,就可以說:Hey! Don't grab my arm like this!
要說別人從你手中一把拿走什麼東西,也可以用這個詞:She just grabbed the letter from me when I entered.
而grab也可以說隨便解決一餐的意思,尤其是在趕時間的狀況下。比如午餐時間只有20分鐘,沒時間去餐廳裡好好享受,只能到最近的餐車買個漢堡果腹一下。這時,就可以說:There is a food truck and I'm going to grab my lunch.
除此之外,grab也可以說喝一杯。比如:Come, let's grab a drink! Workaholics need a night off.例句說,來讓我們喝一杯嘛!工作狂晚上也是要放鬆一下的啊!
Marina Surgan
Marina Surgan
Pianist and Composer
Canada National Ballet School
Marina Surgan has been principal pianist for the Canada National Ballet School since 1986. Born in the former Soviet Union where she was classically trained in Moscow, Marina immigrated to Toronto in 1975 and joined the National Ballet of Canada in 1978.
Highlights of Marina Surgan's creative career include : composing music for the Cecchetti Grade Examinations; accompanist for the third International Ballet Competition in Jackson, Mississippi; and First International Congress of Classical and Contemporary Ballet in Mexico; in 2001 she was chosen to record a CD of 10 variations, which was produced and used for the Prix de Lausanne.
Marina Surgan also tours with NBS across Canada and Internationally, playing master classes and conducting workshops for ballet teachers and accompanists all over the world, including Mexico, Germany, France, Finland, Sweden and Japan.
說到bachelor, 很多人馬上想到學士或大學學位等等,比如 He is a graduate of Harvard University and has a Bachelor of Sciences. 他畢業於哈佛大學,是位理科學士;有時候我們看到外商公司招聘人員,會這樣寫 Educational Requirement: bachelor degree or above, ability for written English. 教育程度:大學畢業或以上,具一定的英文讀寫能力。
不過bachelor還有其他意思喔~那就是單身漢!好,來看一下例句吧~My older brother is near 30, but he is still a bachelor. 我哥哥快三十歲了,但還是單身。又比如有些人就是打定主意一輩子不婚不娶,這時就可以說 He is a confirmed bachelor.
說到bachelor, 很多人馬上想到學士或大學學位等等,比如 He is a graduate of Harvard University and has a Bachelor of Sciences. 他畢業於哈佛大學,是位理科學士;有時候我們看到外商公司招聘人員,會這樣寫 Educational Requirement: bachelor degree or above, ability for written English. 教育程度:大學畢業或以上,具一定的英文讀寫能力。
不過bachelor還有其他意思喔~那就是單身漢!好,來看一下例句吧~My older brother is near 30, but he is still a bachelor. 我哥哥快三十歲了,但還是單身。又比如有些人就是打定主意一輩子不婚不娶,這時就可以說 He is a confirmed bachelor.
body double
每日一詞---body double
body double是替身的意思哦~(可是前幾天看到這個詞時,立馬想到人肥兩倍...)不過最近這個詞很常見,從Jennifer Aniston(珍妮弗安妮斯頓)到谷開來的新聞都有它呢
話說Aniston在拍新片時,雇了個年紀小她一半的"替身",讓她演那些穿著甚少的橋段...來看看原文吧~Jennifer Aniston is using a body double half her age to shoot scantily-clad scenes in her latest film.
再來就是谷開來的案子了。報導指出,中國網民議論紛紛,認為先前谷開來出庭受審有可能是請替身;對此,北京當局封鎖了網路搜尋關鍵詞---"替身":China has blocked Internet searches for the term "body double" after web users expressed suspicions that convicted murderer Gu Kailai used a stand-in at her court hearings.
附註:stand-in也是替身、代替,但使用範圍比body double廣(body double較常用在拍片、電影等等)。看個例子吧~He asked me to act as his stand-in when he is in vacation. 他要我在他度假時,全權替他辦事情。
body double是替身的意思哦~(可是前幾天看到這個詞時,立馬想到人肥兩倍...)不過最近這個詞很常見,從Jennifer Aniston(珍妮弗安妮斯頓)到谷開來的新聞都有它呢
話說Aniston在拍新片時,雇了個年紀小她一半的"替身",讓她演那些穿著甚少的橋段...來看看原文吧~Jennifer Aniston is using a body double half her age to shoot scantily-clad scenes in her latest film.
再來就是谷開來的案子了。報導指出,中國網民議論紛紛,認為先前谷開來出庭受審有可能是請替身;對此,北京當局封鎖了網路搜尋關鍵詞---"替身":China has blocked Internet searches for the term "body double" after web users expressed suspicions that convicted murderer Gu Kailai used a stand-in at her court hearings.
附註:stand-in也是替身、代替,但使用範圍比body double廣(body double較常用在拍片、電影等等)。看個例子吧~He asked me to act as his stand-in when he is in vacation. 他要我在他度假時,全權替他辦事情。
Ballet pianist, part 2
每日一看---ballet pianist 芭蕾鋼琴伴奏(下)
The pianist can select existing music from the classical, popular musical, or jazz standard repertoire, or improvise music in the style and tempo required, particularly if there is no piece of sheet music at hand that fits the brief. If a particular composed piece is chosen, the pianist may have to adapt its bar structure on the run to make it fit with the standard 8-beat phrase structure used in ballet classes.
芭蕾鋼琴伴奏可以從古典、流行或爵士名曲選擇合適的曲子,或是依老師要求的拍子、曲風即興彈奏,尤其是在手邊沒有那種樂譜的狀況下。但是,並非有現成樂譜就能一帆風順喔!因為不是所有曲子都一小節八拍。這時,伴奏就需要改拍子,好讓學生練習(芭蕾動作練習通常都是以八拍為一個單位,就像小時候上體育課,暖身永遠是1234 5678)
Musicians playing for other types of dance classes, such as contemporary, tap and character, have the same kinds of duties. Drummers and guitarists, as well as pianists, are sometimes employed in contemporary dance.
附記:所以tap dance就是踢踏舞
The pianist can select existing music from the classical, popular musical, or jazz standard repertoire, or improvise music in the style and tempo required, particularly if there is no piece of sheet music at hand that fits the brief. If a particular composed piece is chosen, the pianist may have to adapt its bar structure on the run to make it fit with the standard 8-beat phrase structure used in ballet classes.
芭蕾鋼琴伴奏可以從古典、流行或爵士名曲選擇合適的曲子,或是依老師要求的拍子、曲風即興彈奏,尤其是在手邊沒有那種樂譜的狀況下。但是,並非有現成樂譜就能一帆風順喔!因為不是所有曲子都一小節八拍。這時,伴奏就需要改拍子,好讓學生練習(芭蕾動作練習通常都是以八拍為一個單位,就像小時候上體育課,暖身永遠是1234 5678)
Musicians playing for other types of dance classes, such as contemporary, tap and character, have the same kinds of duties. Drummers and guitarists, as well as pianists, are sometimes employed in contemporary dance.
附記:所以tap dance就是踢踏舞
lash down, ect
每日一詞---lash down, come down in buckets, downpour
雖然今天放颱風假,但到目前為止,還沒有颱風的感覺...那我們來看看除了rain cats and dogs, 還有什麼是跟下雨有關的片語吧!
1. lash down 下大雨:lash 是鞭打或抨擊某人的意思;所以當外頭雨轟隆轟隆傾瀉而下時,就可以說 Oh, my gosh! It's lashing down!
2. come down in buckets 傾盆而下:bucket是水桶或一桶水的意思,所以這個片語就是指雨"一桶一桶倒下來"~也就是傾盆大雨的意思。來看看例句吧:The rain was coming down in buckets; and inevitably, I was stuck at the bus stop.
3. downpour 大雨、驟雨:這個詞就比較普遍啦,和前面兩個大同小異,同樣指下大雨。來看一下例句:Finally the downpour abated and the children were dabbling in the newly ford. 大雨終於緩和了,孩子們都在新成的水漥玩耍。
雖然今天放颱風假,但到目前為止,還沒有颱風的感覺...那我們來看看除了rain cats and dogs, 還有什麼是跟下雨有關的片語吧!
1. lash down 下大雨:lash 是鞭打或抨擊某人的意思;所以當外頭雨轟隆轟隆傾瀉而下時,就可以說 Oh, my gosh! It's lashing down!
2. come down in buckets 傾盆而下:bucket是水桶或一桶水的意思,所以這個片語就是指雨"一桶一桶倒下來"~也就是傾盆大雨的意思。來看看例句吧:The rain was coming down in buckets; and inevitably, I was stuck at the bus stop.
3. downpour 大雨、驟雨:這個詞就比較普遍啦,和前面兩個大同小異,同樣指下大雨。來看一下例句:Finally the downpour abated and the children were dabbling in the newly ford. 大雨終於緩和了,孩子們都在新成的水漥玩耍。
Ballet pianist, part 1
每日一看---ballet pianist 芭蕾鋼琴伴奏(上)
A ballet pianist plays the piano for ballet classes. There are two main kinds of activity. The first is rehearsing for dance syllabus classes and then accompanying the individual performers for the subsequent exams. Set pieces of music are used for the various grades. The second is playing for open class, where the music is free, not prescribed. These classes, held in ballet schools and companies through the world, are designed for warm-up, practice of technical routines, and general fitness development. The various technical exercises are done in the same general order in ballet classes the world over, but there are variations within each exercise according to the teacher’s perceived requirements on any given day. The ballet pianist must quickly find appropriate music to fit what the teacher requires for a particular exercise. For example, the teacher may request a particular dance rhythm (a waltz or a tango, for instance) at a particular speed, or may not request anything at all because he/she knows the pianist will be able to find something that fits.
A ballet pianist plays the piano for ballet classes. There are two main kinds of activity. The first is rehearsing for dance syllabus classes and then accompanying the individual performers for the subsequent exams. Set pieces of music are used for the various grades. The second is playing for open class, where the music is free, not prescribed. These classes, held in ballet schools and companies through the world, are designed for warm-up, practice of technical routines, and general fitness development. The various technical exercises are done in the same general order in ballet classes the world over, but there are variations within each exercise according to the teacher’s perceived requirements on any given day. The ballet pianist must quickly find appropriate music to fit what the teacher requires for a particular exercise. For example, the teacher may request a particular dance rhythm (a waltz or a tango, for instance) at a particular speed, or may not request anything at all because he/she knows the pianist will be able to find something that fits.
slim down
每日一詞---slim down
好,不廢話了。今天要講的是slim down, 就是瘦下來的意思。如果我希望在開學前至少瘦一公斤,就可以說 I want to slim down at least 1 kg before school begins.
當然,slim也可以表示削減、縮減,比如削減預算或縮減規模等等:The Marine Corps began to slim down under budget restrictions. 因為預算不足,海軍陸戰隊開始裁減人員。
好,不廢話了。今天要講的是slim down, 就是瘦下來的意思。如果我希望在開學前至少瘦一公斤,就可以說 I want to slim down at least 1 kg before school begins.
當然,slim也可以表示削減、縮減,比如削減預算或縮減規模等等:The Marine Corps began to slim down under budget restrictions. 因為預算不足,海軍陸戰隊開始裁減人員。
It's not optional.
好,今天要說的是brace. 它是指作好準備對應危險、困難或者壓力的意思。比如逢年過節,不管開車撘車還是坐飛機,幾乎一位難求。這時,我們可以這樣說機場的工作人員:They braced the crush of holiday flying.
又比如在選舉時,兩大政黨總會在意席次多寡;若相差太多,朝思暮想的發財夢就隨之遠去囉。在這邊來說說美國吧:The Republican Party braced for the loss of seven to thirty seats in the House of Representatives. 共和黨意識到可能會失去7-30個眾議院席次。
好,今天要說的是brace. 它是指作好準備對應危險、困難或者壓力的意思。比如逢年過節,不管開車撘車還是坐飛機,幾乎一位難求。這時,我們可以這樣說機場的工作人員:They braced the crush of holiday flying.
又比如在選舉時,兩大政黨總會在意席次多寡;若相差太多,朝思暮想的發財夢就隨之遠去囉。在這邊來說說美國吧:The Republican Party braced for the loss of seven to thirty seats in the House of Representatives. 共和黨意識到可能會失去7-30個眾議院席次。
Yo-Yo Dieting Does Not Thwart Weight Loss Efforts or Alter Metabolism Long Term, Study Finds
Yo-Yo Dieting Does Not Thwart Weight Loss Efforts or Alter Metabolism Long Term, Study Finds
ScienceDaily (Aug. 14, 2012) — Yo-yo dieting -- the repetitive loss and regain of body weight, also called weight cycling -- is prevalent in the Western world, affecting an estimated 10 percent to 40 percent of the population. The degree to which weight cycling may impact metabolism or thwart a person's ability to lose weight in the long run has been unclear -- until now.
A new study by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, published online in the journal Metabolism, for the first time has shown that a history of yo-yo dieting does not negatively affect metabolism or the ability to lose weight long term.
"A history of unsuccessful weight loss should not dissuade an individual from future attempts to shed pounds or diminish the role of a healthy diet and regular physical activity in successful weight management," said the study's senior author Anne McTiernan, M.D., Ph.D., a member of the Hutchinson Center's Public Health Sciences Division.
「減肥失敗的經驗不該影響個人未來的減肥心態,也不該使人對健康飲食及規律運動卻步。」Anne McTiernan如此表示。她是該研究的資深權威,也是萊德‧哈金森衛生科學部的一員。
Two-thirds of the U.S. population is currently overweight or obese and it is estimated that nearly half of American women are currently dieting to lose weight. Obesity is a known risk factor for many cancers as well as heart disease and diabetes. A relationship between body fat and the production of certain hormones and inflammatory markers is thought to contribute to increased cancer risk.
"We know there's an association between obesity, sedentary behavior and increased risk of certain cancers," McTiernan said. "The World Health Organization estimates that a quarter to a third of cancers could be prevented with maintenance of normal weight and keeping a physically active lifestyle."
The study was based on data from 439 overweight-to-obese, sedentary Seattle-area women, ages 50 to 75, who were randomly assigned to one of four groups: reduced-calorie diet only, exercise only (mainly brisk walking), reduced-calorie diet plus exercise and a control group that received no intervention. At the end of the yearlong study, participants on the diet-only and diet-plus-exercise arms lost an average of 10 percent of their starting weight, which was the goal of the intervention.
The analysis aimed to determine whether women with a history of moderate or severe weight cycling were at a disadvantage compared to non-weight-cyclers when it came to losing weight. Of the study participants overall, 18 percent (77 women) met the criteria for severe weight cycling (having reported losing 20 or more pounds on three or more occasions) and 24 percent (103 women) met the criteria for moderate weight cycling (having reported losing 10 or more pounds on three or more occasions).
Although severe weight cyclers were, on average, nearly 20 pounds heavier than non-cyclers at the start of the study, at the end of the study the researchers found no significant differences between those who yo-yo dieted and those who didn't with regard to the ability to successfully participate in diet and/or exercise programs. The cyclers also did not differ from the non-cyclers with regard to the impact of diet or diet-plus-exercise on weight loss, percentage of body fat and lean muscle mass gained or lost. Other physiological factors such as blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, and blood concentrations of hormones such as leptin (which helps make one feel full) and adiponectin (which helps regulate glucose levels) also did not differ significantly among those whose weight fluctuated and those whose did not.
These finding may represent a first in the scientific community. "To our knowledge, no previous studies have examined the effect of prior weight cycling on the body composition, metabolic and hormonal changes induced by a comprehensive lifestyle intervention in free-living women," the authors wrote.
The National Institutes of Health, the National Cancer Institute and the Canadian Institutes of Health funded the research. The study also included investigators at Harvard Medical School, the National Cancer Institute and the University of Washington.
ScienceDaily (Aug. 14, 2012) — Yo-yo dieting -- the repetitive loss and regain of body weight, also called weight cycling -- is prevalent in the Western world, affecting an estimated 10 percent to 40 percent of the population. The degree to which weight cycling may impact metabolism or thwart a person's ability to lose weight in the long run has been unclear -- until now.
A new study by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, published online in the journal Metabolism, for the first time has shown that a history of yo-yo dieting does not negatively affect metabolism or the ability to lose weight long term.
"A history of unsuccessful weight loss should not dissuade an individual from future attempts to shed pounds or diminish the role of a healthy diet and regular physical activity in successful weight management," said the study's senior author Anne McTiernan, M.D., Ph.D., a member of the Hutchinson Center's Public Health Sciences Division.
「減肥失敗的經驗不該影響個人未來的減肥心態,也不該使人對健康飲食及規律運動卻步。」Anne McTiernan如此表示。她是該研究的資深權威,也是萊德‧哈金森衛生科學部的一員。
Two-thirds of the U.S. population is currently overweight or obese and it is estimated that nearly half of American women are currently dieting to lose weight. Obesity is a known risk factor for many cancers as well as heart disease and diabetes. A relationship between body fat and the production of certain hormones and inflammatory markers is thought to contribute to increased cancer risk.
"We know there's an association between obesity, sedentary behavior and increased risk of certain cancers," McTiernan said. "The World Health Organization estimates that a quarter to a third of cancers could be prevented with maintenance of normal weight and keeping a physically active lifestyle."
The study was based on data from 439 overweight-to-obese, sedentary Seattle-area women, ages 50 to 75, who were randomly assigned to one of four groups: reduced-calorie diet only, exercise only (mainly brisk walking), reduced-calorie diet plus exercise and a control group that received no intervention. At the end of the yearlong study, participants on the diet-only and diet-plus-exercise arms lost an average of 10 percent of their starting weight, which was the goal of the intervention.
The analysis aimed to determine whether women with a history of moderate or severe weight cycling were at a disadvantage compared to non-weight-cyclers when it came to losing weight. Of the study participants overall, 18 percent (77 women) met the criteria for severe weight cycling (having reported losing 20 or more pounds on three or more occasions) and 24 percent (103 women) met the criteria for moderate weight cycling (having reported losing 10 or more pounds on three or more occasions).
Although severe weight cyclers were, on average, nearly 20 pounds heavier than non-cyclers at the start of the study, at the end of the study the researchers found no significant differences between those who yo-yo dieted and those who didn't with regard to the ability to successfully participate in diet and/or exercise programs. The cyclers also did not differ from the non-cyclers with regard to the impact of diet or diet-plus-exercise on weight loss, percentage of body fat and lean muscle mass gained or lost. Other physiological factors such as blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, and blood concentrations of hormones such as leptin (which helps make one feel full) and adiponectin (which helps regulate glucose levels) also did not differ significantly among those whose weight fluctuated and those whose did not.
These finding may represent a first in the scientific community. "To our knowledge, no previous studies have examined the effect of prior weight cycling on the body composition, metabolic and hormonal changes induced by a comprehensive lifestyle intervention in free-living women," the authors wrote.
The National Institutes of Health, the National Cancer Institute and the Canadian Institutes of Health funded the research. The study also included investigators at Harvard Medical School, the National Cancer Institute and the University of Washington.
Greek meets Greek
每日一詞---Greek meets Greek
這個片語在國外其實滿常用的,是"一山不容二虎"或"兩強相遇的意思"~ 而和它最常搭配的是: When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war. 這句話是說兩強相遇,其鬥必烈。
早期,祖先為希臘人的馬其頓國王菲力浦二世與兒子亞歷山大一同攻打希臘,但卻遭到猛烈的抵抗;因此他們費了好一番功夫,才拿下希臘。 所以,當人們形容戰況激烈、兩強鬥得不可開交時,都會說When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war.
比如一家大公司的創始元老辭世了,沒有安排接班人,而下面剛好有兩個好勝心強、又有實力的死對頭在競爭。這時,我們可以說:They have been always against each other since the death of our boss. I think they have to cool themselves down! Or, you know, when Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war. Our company will be torn if they don't stop.
這個片語在國外其實滿常用的,是"一山不容二虎"或"兩強相遇的意思"~ 而和它最常搭配的是: When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war. 這句話是說兩強相遇,其鬥必烈。
早期,祖先為希臘人的馬其頓國王菲力浦二世與兒子亞歷山大一同攻打希臘,但卻遭到猛烈的抵抗;因此他們費了好一番功夫,才拿下希臘。 所以,當人們形容戰況激烈、兩強鬥得不可開交時,都會說When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war.
比如一家大公司的創始元老辭世了,沒有安排接班人,而下面剛好有兩個好勝心強、又有實力的死對頭在競爭。這時,我們可以說:They have been always against each other since the death of our boss. I think they have to cool themselves down! Or, you know, when Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war. Our company will be torn if they don't stop.
have a thing for
每日一詞---have a thing for
have a thing for 通常用在人或動物,指情有獨鍾的意思。
比如黛咪摩爾喜歡老牛吃嫩草,就可以說 Moore, the 41-year-old Hollywood actress, has a thing for younger men, as is evident by a string of romances with men many years her junior.
又比如某個叫Keath的人很喜歡獅子,於是買了一隻來當寵物,就可以說 Keath had always had a thing for lions and when he had the chance to buy one for a pet, from an animal market, he didn't hesitate.
have a thing for 通常用在人或動物,指情有獨鍾的意思。
比如黛咪摩爾喜歡老牛吃嫩草,就可以說 Moore, the 41-year-old Hollywood actress, has a thing for younger men, as is evident by a string of romances with men many years her junior.
又比如某個叫Keath的人很喜歡獅子,於是買了一隻來當寵物,就可以說 Keath had always had a thing for lions and when he had the chance to buy one for a pet, from an animal market, he didn't hesitate.
electric shock
每日一詞---electric shock
是的,electric shock就是觸電的意思。當然除了指實際上的觸電,也能用來形容震驚或嚇一跳。 假如電燈開關有問題,不小心被電到,就可以說 I got an electric shock from the faulty light switch.
又比如美牛案的通過讓許多人震驚,也可以說 It struck many people as an electric shock that the government decided to lift a ban on U.S. beef.
是的,electric shock就是觸電的意思。當然除了指實際上的觸電,也能用來形容震驚或嚇一跳。 假如電燈開關有問題,不小心被電到,就可以說 I got an electric shock from the faulty light switch.
又比如美牛案的通過讓許多人震驚,也可以說 It struck many people as an electric shock that the government decided to lift a ban on U.S. beef.
water park
每日一詞---water park
During the summer, there are lots of fun ways to beat the heat. You can cool off with a popsicle or ice cream cone, visit the beach, or swim in a pool. But the most fun of all may be going to a water park.
首先是beat the heat. 大家都曉得beat是打的意思,在這邊"打熱"就是消暑解熱的意思~ 再來是cool off, 就是冷卻下來的意思,在這裡也可以說讓自己清涼一下;而後面的popsicle是指冰棒、ice cream cone則是一球一球的冰淇淋.
最後一個就是今天的主角啦---water park. 沒錯,water park就是水上樂園,有滑水道、大瀑布的那種,相信很多人小時候多少都會去過幾次吧!
文章來源:English Baby
During the summer, there are lots of fun ways to beat the heat. You can cool off with a popsicle or ice cream cone, visit the beach, or swim in a pool. But the most fun of all may be going to a water park.
首先是beat the heat. 大家都曉得beat是打的意思,在這邊"打熱"就是消暑解熱的意思~ 再來是cool off, 就是冷卻下來的意思,在這裡也可以說讓自己清涼一下;而後面的popsicle是指冰棒、ice cream cone則是一球一球的冰淇淋.
最後一個就是今天的主角啦---water park. 沒錯,water park就是水上樂園,有滑水道、大瀑布的那種,相信很多人小時候多少都會去過幾次吧!
文章來源:English Baby
in/on the hot seat
每日一詞---in/on the hot seat
什麼是hot seat呢?hot seat是指死刑用的電椅,所以字面上的意思是說"坐在電椅上";而引申的涵義則為棘手的處境,或困窘尷尬的局面。
比如一家公司的總裁不僅發現營收又虧損,還要面對員工的連連抱怨,這時就可以說:The CEO found himself in a hot seat after another bad quarter.
又比如許多名人,不管是政商還是演藝界,常備受特別關注,這時也可以說:Being on the hot seat is a rite of passage for celeberties. It's hard for them to take a break from being watched.
什麼是hot seat呢?hot seat是指死刑用的電椅,所以字面上的意思是說"坐在電椅上";而引申的涵義則為棘手的處境,或困窘尷尬的局面。
比如一家公司的總裁不僅發現營收又虧損,還要面對員工的連連抱怨,這時就可以說:The CEO found himself in a hot seat after another bad quarter.
又比如許多名人,不管是政商還是演藝界,常備受特別關注,這時也可以說:Being on the hot seat is a rite of passage for celeberties. It's hard for them to take a break from being watched.
game of chicken
每日一詞---game of chicken
Analysis: Euro zone action inches forward in game of chicken
"No, after you."
The euro zone is inching towards a new plan to tackle its debt crisis in a three-dimensional game of chicken among all the main players. The European Central Bank's heavily qualified offer last week to step in and buy bonds to bring down the borrowing costs of Spain and Italy was the latest gambit in this game.
game of chicken是一種比膽遊戲(當然也可以說弱雞賽局啦等等),chicken就是指膽小鬼或懦夫。這種遊戲的原理是這樣的:兩位玩家在同一道路開車對衝,其中一方必須轉向離開道路,否則兩個玩家會互相衝撞而傷亡。可是,先離開道路的玩家會被認作輸家,也就是chicken. 這個理論的應用十分常見,特別是在政治和經濟上。
再來說一下after you. 我們在某些場合常說"你先請"、表示禮讓,而國外的說法正是"after you,"千萬別說"you first"啊~~這樣很沒禮貌喔
Analysis: Euro zone action inches forward in game of chicken
"No, after you."
The euro zone is inching towards a new plan to tackle its debt crisis in a three-dimensional game of chicken among all the main players. The European Central Bank's heavily qualified offer last week to step in and buy bonds to bring down the borrowing costs of Spain and Italy was the latest gambit in this game.
game of chicken是一種比膽遊戲(當然也可以說弱雞賽局啦等等),chicken就是指膽小鬼或懦夫。這種遊戲的原理是這樣的:兩位玩家在同一道路開車對衝,其中一方必須轉向離開道路,否則兩個玩家會互相衝撞而傷亡。可是,先離開道路的玩家會被認作輸家,也就是chicken. 這個理論的應用十分常見,特別是在政治和經濟上。
再來說一下after you. 我們在某些場合常說"你先請"、表示禮讓,而國外的說法正是"after you,"千萬別說"you first"啊~~這樣很沒禮貌喔
white elephant
每日一詞---white elephant
沒錯,就是white elephant~~相信很多人都會納悶,想說白色大象到底有什麼特殊涵義!!?其實,它就是指那些昂貴又沒什麼用的東西,當然也可以形容政策或計劃等等。
比如有人有鞋癖,買了一堆名牌鞋塞滿櫃子;可人就只有兩隻腳啊,常穿的就那一兩雙,其他的就成了擺飾品,還得花心思去保養。這時,就可以說:There are thousands of white elephants that stand on her shoe closets.
又比如政府常花大錢蓋博物館,希望能吸引民眾的青睞,但最後往往淪為蚊子館。這時,也可以說:That museum is the worst example of the many white elephants that haunt the region.
英文解釋(取自網路英英字典):White (albino) elephants were regarded as holy in ancient times in Thailand and other Asian countries. Keeping a white elephant was a very expensive undertaking, since the owner had to provide the elephant with special food and provide access for people who wanted to worship it. If a Thai King became dissatisfied with a subordinate, he would give him a white elephant. The gift would, in most cases, ruin the recipient.
沒錯,就是white elephant~~相信很多人都會納悶,想說白色大象到底有什麼特殊涵義!!?其實,它就是指那些昂貴又沒什麼用的東西,當然也可以形容政策或計劃等等。
比如有人有鞋癖,買了一堆名牌鞋塞滿櫃子;可人就只有兩隻腳啊,常穿的就那一兩雙,其他的就成了擺飾品,還得花心思去保養。這時,就可以說:There are thousands of white elephants that stand on her shoe closets.
又比如政府常花大錢蓋博物館,希望能吸引民眾的青睞,但最後往往淪為蚊子館。這時,也可以說:That museum is the worst example of the many white elephants that haunt the region.
英文解釋(取自網路英英字典):White (albino) elephants were regarded as holy in ancient times in Thailand and other Asian countries. Keeping a white elephant was a very expensive undertaking, since the owner had to provide the elephant with special food and provide access for people who wanted to worship it. If a Thai King became dissatisfied with a subordinate, he would give him a white elephant. The gift would, in most cases, ruin the recipient.
drop a bombshell
feel/be on edge
be caught between a rock and a hard place
be caught between a rock and a hard place=be between the devil and the deep blue sea:進退兩難,必須在兩個不利的選擇中做決定;your choice might cause you problems, and you won't be able to satisfy everyone.
例句1:Schools for problem kids are between a rock and a hard place---they can be sued if children run away and get hurt, but have no power to keep the door locked.
例句2:He had a dilemma on his hands. He was clearly between the devil and the deep blue sea.
be caught between a rock and a hard place=be between the devil and the deep blue sea:進退兩難,必須在兩個不利的選擇中做決定;your choice might cause you problems, and you won't be able to satisfy everyone.
例句1:Schools for problem kids are between a rock and a hard place---they can be sued if children run away and get hurt, but have no power to keep the door locked.
例句2:He had a dilemma on his hands. He was clearly between the devil and the deep blue sea.